Tyee Boating For Trout....

Dave H

Well-Known Member
Seemed a shame to put the rowboat away with such good weather abounding so buddy Peter and I towed it to Buttle a couple of days ago and then up to Roberts yesterday. Lots of smoke from the Ralph River and Wolf River fires and many small areas already burned out.
Here's a couple of pics.

All set-up with vintage Lowrance X-40 depthsounder in front of rower position.
Can't use it in the Tyee Pool but it works well in the lakes.


You can see how smoky it gets further up the lake. I rowed to Wolf River and partway back before the wind got too much so we motored home.


Here's my simple set-up with the limiting factor being I require a half-decent launch to trailer launch the boat as it's just a bit too heavy to be carried anywhere. Still, there are lots of places I can launch and I'll suss them out slowly.


Take care.
very nice ! i had no idea there was fires going on the island i saw a chopper doing runs with the bucket over qualicum but didnt know about the fires ! beautiful boat and pics thanks!
love it - something great about rowing out on a quiet lake. Sometimes out in the saltwater it becomes all about meat, big fish, loud music/engines and it becomes hard to find those really peaceful moments.
Nice boat. We did a few rows in the Pool in late August and I think I saw your boat out there. In fact one time there was two boats that both looked like yours ( non painted).
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VERY nice bateau! As soon as the water levels come up a bit and the temps drop on the local lakes, I will be out harassing the trout populations. There is something that is a real stress reliever about fishing the fresh without a great amount of technology, and just you, the dog and the loons.

Love it.
awesome boat! was it made on the island?

My boat is one of five built by Ken Fletcher here in Campbell River.
He'd built three and sold them all (without trying to) when his daughter asked him to build one for her and her hubby only she said: "Make it a pretty one."
He then bought roughly $7,600.00 worth of wood and built one for her and one for himself.
The one he built for himself in 2010 is now mine because he met and married a woman and then moved to Ontario, where he had little need of a Tyee boat. He uses his daughter's when he visits now.
My good luck that I stumbled onto it last year and was in a perfect position to buy it......so I did.
This year I had five strikes in the Tyee Pool, boated four fish and two were Tyee, so can't complain.
And, as you can see, I'm into using it for more than just the Tyee Pool.

Take care.
great boat for fishing, congratulations. and even more so as you describe - in a quiet and beautiful lake ...