Two old fishing videos...

I've seen these before. Neat old vids. The host is a bit over the top. But I really like seeing the simple boats people used to fish out of. Reminds me that I don't need to go into debt to get out on the chuck and do some serious fishing.

I have long coveted one of those open yellow fiberglass boats. Cool to see them in action.
Had one, one of the sweetest boats to fish out of. You were limited to were you could go, but stable. That looked like Rivers Inlet.
I've rented that one at Van Isle Video here in Nanaimo. They used to have quite a few of the older video's like fishing with Charlie White etc.. Oh yeah on VHS of course!
I've got a few golden oldies on VHS. Snagged by the outlaws at the Sointula thrift store. A very young Gary Cooper plugging in Hakai Pass and fishing steelers on the Harris then steaming one is his kitchen at home. One more about fishing out of Ukee. I like the old fishing vids.