Tsawassen Coal Ports, June 14..How big was it?


Well-Known Member
Well..I'll have to post on behalf of a friend who went fishing today is his brand new Harbourcraft.

They launched from Steveston and headed out off the Coal Ports. Report was that they hooked a beauty..it took off and took a quarter reel of line off his Islander in just one run. It stopped, and they gained some line back. The spring sounded, and sulked for a long while and then they made a lot of headways on it. About 10 minutes into the fight they got their first look at the fish. It was "very decent" but they didn't get a good sense of girth. Length wise, they say it was easily pushing 4 feet from a 40 foot distance :o

Anyways...it took off again and this time they didn't see it for another 10 minutes. Tons of head shakes, lots of running, another couple of quarter reel runs. They got it back and got it up beside the boat.

Anyways...idling in neutral, the fish circled the boat, and sounded...and they got 'er up close after a couple of minutes.. easily.high thirties, low forties...maybe mid forties... they got their first attempt at a net..but it was net shy and they say the tail on the fish was a good 12 inches plus...more like 16 inches....at that point...they get another chance...and closer...closer..and then......GONE!

Apparently the back hook of the hootchy busted off. :'(

The critical information? 73 feet on the rigger, Coyote Purple Haze Plaid Flasher, on an Army Truck hootchy tied with 2 tandem 3/0 hooks.

That's the story...sounds like I oughta be fishing the coal ports...

The remainder of their trip..1 good hit...no stick.

Guess where I'll try to go fishing this coming weekend?
I remeber hearing 10 or so years ago, about a young girl and her Dad landing a 75 pounder just outside the marina at Point Roberts. Maybe it was one of them 75 pounders.