Trying to take the Cowie?


Active Member
Wouldn't it be funny if this worked?.... I know I have mentioned it in regards to other flows...

When the front page of the local paper (this week) says "The Cowichan: a river abandoned?" then you know it's time for action.

So today we're kicking off our vote pledge campaign, and hope that you'll consider being part of it.

We want to build a parade that politicians want to get in front of.

To do this, they need to commit to local control of our watershed - giving over real authority to the Cowichan Watershed Board.

And, there's a provincial election coming up, so NOW is the time when politicians are most likely to listen to voters like us.

So we need to send them a signal and this is where the vote pledge comes in.

We're asking local citizens to pledge to vote for local control of our watershed, and the more of us who do this, the bigger the parade.

So please consider doing this right now here, and also in helping to spread the word to your neighbours, friends and colleagues. We are powerful when we come together.

Who you vote for will of course remain up to you. This is a non-partisan initiative.

Cowichan can be a model for BC and for Canada for local control. Please join others in making this happen.

Thank you.

Matt Price

ps. Have ideas for how to make this campaign a success? Please volunteer!

One Cowichan
Forgive my ignorance but who is calling the shots on the Cowichan river now? Doesn't DFO have a legal mandate or right to the flow for the fish? How does this work? Who owns the water?
Thanks foxsea, this seems like a pretty easy fix. The survival of Cowichan chinook should be taking precident over a few feet of sun tanning beach.