trolling question

Steelhead S2

Active Member
I am rigging up a tinny punt I just picked up. Planning to drag around a few island lakes when time permits (which is not very often). Since I have a small rigger I am going to mount a base for it, so I have the option of controlling my depth when fishing on bigger/deeper water. But I'm concerned that if I run a single rigger my steering will be negatively affected. Thoughts? Should I mount two?

Also, never run a rigger trout fishing before. How far from the clip should I set up?

Most trout I caught were close to the shore, as in 30 ft or less of water. So, it pays to keep the trout gear close to the down rigger, as on inside turns the trolling gear sinks and tends to hang-up on bottom or stumps.

Yup, you will tend to go through the water like a crab with one set-up, but fishing close to shore 2 can be a handful when they both hang-up.But lakes bottoms are more forgiving than the ocean. Have fun
I troll for trout out of a ten foot tinny.

I just use a rod holder out the back. Most of the time I don't need weight on the line.

But I like the lure quite a ways back. Sometimes 100ft plus.

I use Apexes and wedding bands about 4ft behind a small 2-blade willowleaf troll. Sometimes I don't use the gang troll. I almost never use weight.

When the water is warmer and the hatches are on, many fish are found quite close to shore and shallow.

I use 8,10 or 12 pound test for main line.

If I could only use 1 trout would be the wedding band, with a number 6 hook and some worm on it.

If I use weight, I rig bulletweights on a wire. The wire has loops on each end for connection. Goes right in front of the gang troll. If no g/troll then hook up w/band 4ft behind the bulletweights.

Most of the smaller lakes I wouldn't bother with a downrigger.
I use my downriggers on one or both sides,not a big deal to control the boat.if I want to get down 5,8 even 10 ft that is the way to do it,if the fish are down 25,30,40ft again that is how to get there.I use them constantly on langford lake and have never had an issue with bottom.I run my gear about 40-60 feet behind the boat and the hook up to the downrigger.1.5lb ball and you are fishing.
Took a loot this a.m. Came down with a pesky little cold yesterday, so not extremely enthused when the alarm went off, but once we found an access point that wasn't clogged with r.v.s it felt good to get out on the fresh. A few eager tiddlers on wedding bands. We were after larger prey, so we switched to plugs and proceeded to catch nothing for the next couple hours.

I know better, but I foolishly counted on decent Spring weather. I wore quick-dry pants and a t-shirt under light rain gear. I damn near froze to death. There was a steady breeze and intermittent rain. My fishing partner was in about 6 more layers than me, top and bottom, and he was cold too. With the weather and the fishing, we called it early. Home for a shower and a nap.

I am no trouter, but it can be a great day when you get into them. I'm looking forward to a few more trips this spring. And better action too! Thanks for the pointers fellas.