Trip to Ucluelet

  • Thread starter Thread starter RedmondSteve
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We will be leaving Orcas Island, passing throuh renfrew and headed up to Ucluelet (first time beyon sooke). I am looking for tips on locations and tackle to use up there. We will be going 7/18 for a week.

I know fishing sooke one uses anchovies and teaser heads. I have heard they use plugs mostly in Barclay Sound; is this true? If so what kind? how big?

I have looked over the board and have seen that there may be better fishing out in the ocean rather than in the protected waters at this time. Is this true? Where out in the ocean? I have a fish finder, gps/plotter etc.

Any specific info would be greatly appreciated! I am looking mostly for salmon -- especially springs

First pay real close attention to the water condition. It came become a real funky ride mid straits. I fish out of Ucluelet BC every year around the end of Jund and the first weeks of July. I would say the three best fishing spots are. Big Bank, Southwest Corner and Portland Point. One of those should be putting out some pretty nice springers. Last year, we got a 30 and 35 at P.T. outside 6 miles. The choice of hardware are green and white hoochies with either a green or red flasher or a Tomic plug. Both have worked well for us. I usally don't go out at first light like most. I fish the tide change myself. Look for the big bait balls and go to town. Made just one pass thru the big bail ball up at P.T. and got that double header of 30 and 35. One on the hoochie and the other with the Tomic plug. The Broken Island Group is a neat place to explore also to break up the constance fishing days. The best Hali's seem to hang out at Big Bank. Our biggest so far has been a 55. Good luck on your trip. One thing of note. If you do happen to stay at Island West Resort, you can rent a walk in freeze bin which make for keeping you catch in real nice shape. I'm heading up on the 5th and stay til the 14th.
Forgot, that time of the month, the springer might be close in or in the islands itself. Just see where the small charters go. Island West charters go for quality, not quantity.
Thanks for the info.

On my maps I do not see Big Bank, Southwest Corner or Portland point. Are these parts of the La palouse bank?
Redmond Steve:

I have spent many day on the pond you talk of, as I lived there for 4 years and fished the area extensively.

So far the advice given is good too go. As for plugs use the tomic 602 in the 6 or 7 inch size. These will help keep the smaller fish off. The white hootchie is a winner as well. Other than that stick with herring or anchovie in a helmet. The coyote Watermelon spoon is a killer, as well. So far this year it is outfishing bait on my boat.

Portland Point is more off Tofino, and it is actually not near the actual point on the chart. It is 5-6 miles offshore of this point. You will defintely see other boats there if you go.

Last year around the time you are going we were fishing Hysan Bank which is another 5-6 miles past Portland Point. The depth was around 140ft, we were fishing between 30-70 ft deep and had days with multiple 30 and 40lb fish (We would usually fish deep though 120-bottom). It was incredible.

I like South bank as it is close to Ucluelet and only about a 4 mile run. Outer South, South West corner and the big bank spots are father out. I would talk with the guys at Island West in Ucluelet or Weigh West Resort in Tofino for the current hotspots.

I now live in Prince Rupert, and must say the fishing the salt off the WCVI is better than it is here (So far anyway).

Thanks for the info. I have been to Salmon University many a time --Alas it talks only about inland spots and says nothing about the banks. It would be great if the fishing has moved inland by that time but I want to to know more about my other options if that is not the case.

Jaws3D, thanks for the info. Do you run your spoon with or without a flasher attached? I would love to not have to play the flasher if I can get away with it. I understand you do not really need a flasher for the plugs -- is this true?

I ran the spoon with a flasher, but either way is ok. If you want run a dummy flasher off the cable with the spoon attached approx 10ft above.

You are correct on the Plugs, you do not run a flasher inline with the plug. However a dummy flasher off the cable as outlined above is always a good setup. I have always found that plugs work best when trolled a little faster 2.5-3.5mph+.
Have fished Uki every year for the past 17 years. Always ensure get one trip in mid July. This year will be 16-20. Usually too early for good springs inside. Banks best, but Wya, Little Beach always worth a try. Each year the location varies, follow the guides. If too rough outside, run over to Broken Group and try Cree, Austin and Effingham. There are always a few springs there. Bait or spoons/Apex best inside. Best plugs for me have been 6-7" 602, 639, 500. Also use spoons with and without flasher, copcar, glo/green, watermelon and green/white and glow hootchies/needlefish Don't waste time with bait offshore....usually lots of springs around and lose fishin time fussing with bait and fussing with small fish. I agree, tide changes best. Let me know the name of your boat and where you are mooring and I will look you up when i get there. I am mooring at Island West and will be there late on the 16th. Good Luck
I will be there the 18th or 19th depending on weather. Boat's name is Dream Catcher: 24" pursuit denali. I will be mooring at the gov docs as Island West is booked.

I have to fly back up some time in August ti take the boat down (long story). I could do it either Aug 13 or Aug 27th. Is it well worth waiting for the 27th? Will there be biger fish closer in?

I can't wait to be out on the water...
