trailer stoken from cheanuh marina

  • Thread starter Thread starter rockfish99
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it was parked close to the long house. Someone on the dock told me they 'heard that a guy borrowed one last week sometime' to launch his blue boat. thats all I know. My trailer has white rims that are pretty new and a newer winch but the trailer itself is pretty old. no lights on it. no plate. Please help $200 reward. it says roadrunner brand on my insurance but I can't remember seing a roadrunner decal on it.

thanks thanks

it was stolen about a week ago. Someone at the marina said it might have been the guy whose boat was sinking at the cheanuh dock. anyone know about this? he borrowed a trailer.

please help

wanted to go to renfrew :(

anyone know how to rent a trailer? noone does apparently not uhaul, sg power 40$ a day seems fair/ any ideas?
ya that was me with the boat that was taking on some water in it but i used my own trailer but ill keep an eye out for it.

anyone know where the vin # is kept on a road runner trailer?

rumor is my trailer has been spotted, someone painted it all black. i don't have pictures of it. I have to go down to see it on tuesday. but what if the vin # is not on it...... my contact that said he saw my trailer couldn't find the vin on it...
On my 1992 RR trailor the Vin # is on the left side frame rail up front. There is another manufacturer sticker on the other side. They are both stickers which can be easily removed.
Just have to ask?? did you not have insurance on it??
Must admit if it is your trailer the guy must have balls the size of bowling balls to bring it back to the same marina.

It depends on the trailer. #'s are hidden on some. They can be found on some trailers better then others. I tried to send you a PM rockfish99 but it would not let me. PM me or call the trailer builder and ask them if there is a spot you should be looking.
I got my trailer back! :) someone I know called from Cheanuh and said they saw the black trailer parked right by the road in someones yard so I drove all the way down there and checked it with about 4 others at the house where it was parked and my 'contact'.... they were having a fire and drinking right next to it.

we couldn't find the VIN number but I had a Thom Cat trailer receipt showing the new springs etc.... so they finally said okay just take it away.

the house where it was parked (I won't mention names) said they were given it and that it came from someone in Chinatown lol.... it was Parked near the longhouse at cheanuh for 3 years!!!

so I drove it back to coast capital in langford with no insurance and got it insured

But there is still no vin number on it...... never has been I guess. is that normal?
Yes it can happen-a lot of trailers just have stickers or plates held on by aluminium or steel rivets-these get knocked off or rust through time and there goes the vin. Guess a guy could etch or drill a number or name in an out of the way place for ID in a case such as yours.

"So many fish-So little Time"
So why didnt you get the cops and charge these guys ??? they are in "possesion"of stolen goods!!!!!!and if the marina had any balls they would kick them out of the marina you really dont want thieves in a marina.
Has society gotten to the point where its ok to steal stuff and turn a blind eye to it??? this baffles me.
Tell you if it was me there would be cops and arrests its bad enough this government is sticking up our A$$es but your marina brother doing it is totally un acceptable,
Glad you got it back. time to weld a 3/8 id plate on it with welds all the way around so if they want to take it off basically destroys the frame, with your name info etc on it.

Good luck Wolf
I'll get that id on the trailer, and I got a little lock for the ball.
I even gave the 'guy at the marina' a 100$ reward, don't be mad at me :) (I had a reward posted at the bulletin board). And then the guy who had the trailer at his house wants 'a bit of money for painting it' :) (only reason it was painted was to disguise it)

cops never help, they would have just said 'there is no vin number, can't help'
Hey the most important thing is that you know where they live. I would remind him of that as you tell him to stick it up his a%& about the money for the paint. Or even better, buy a can of black paint...go back late at night and paint his car...leave a we are even. :D
cops are useless for this. A good friend of mine got his 6 month old dump truck stolen. then one day a year later two other friends were on a job site and there goes his dump box on another truck( his box was one of three at this point specially made) the the two other guys hem the new canadian in and call the cops, cops come. phone my friend is there a serial # on box yes 5 rail driver side, ground of grey primer,
cop, any other marks on box.
friend yes loader backed into me trap arm bent
cop that bent can be from anything, any other marks
friend drill six hole for beacon instead of four how many are there for the beacon. okay this is your box. cop to new canadian where did you get this box from a friend sold it to me for 5000 no receipt.( its a $60 000 box) they took the box but no charges for stolen property or nothing what a scam the cops most of the time take the easy way out