Well-Known Member
I just re-read the entire last years thread.......
.......and had to start a new one.
The comradery and information shared in that thread with the two combined area's was just awesome. Jay (tofinofish) started that thread last year and good on him. I personally miss his contributions this year. Most folks from Ukee fish up towards Tofino a lot during the year anyway and I know the guides do too lol. The two area's are North of the Sound and so close together that they deserve the same involvement as last year IMHO.
Let's band together like last year and continue to have some of this out there on the!!!

I hope fishtofino and tofinofish will post up some more. I really respect those guy's and their knowledge. They contributed greatly in last years thread.
.......and had to start a new one.
The comradery and information shared in that thread with the two combined area's was just awesome. Jay (tofinofish) started that thread last year and good on him. I personally miss his contributions this year. Most folks from Ukee fish up towards Tofino a lot during the year anyway and I know the guides do too lol. The two area's are North of the Sound and so close together that they deserve the same involvement as last year IMHO.
Let's band together like last year and continue to have some of this out there on the!!!

I hope fishtofino and tofinofish will post up some more. I really respect those guy's and their knowledge. They contributed greatly in last years thread.
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