Tofino & Ucluelet Reports - Summer 2013


Well-Known Member
I just re-read the entire last years thread.......

.......and had to start a new one.

The comradery and information shared in that thread with the two combined area's was just awesome. Jay (tofinofish) started that thread last year and good on him. I personally miss his contributions this year. Most folks from Ukee fish up towards Tofino a lot during the year anyway and I know the guides do too lol. The two area's are North of the Sound and so close together that they deserve the same involvement as last year IMHO.

Let's band together like last year and continue to have some of this out there on the!!!

I hope fishtofino and tofinofish will post up some more. I really respect those guy's and their knowledge. They contributed greatly in last years thread.

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I'll be fishing out of Tofino July 11-13. Last week I was solo in Ukee running around South Bank and over to Cree only to find out on the last morning the fishing was as good or better just outside the inlet. This week I'll be with my better half and looking for some inside swell free action. I'll probably try to get out one day for a Hali solo. Will report if internet is a go at the lodge.
The inside was hot then not seemed like many lucked out when the seas were tough and went inside and had a good day the following day inside was pretty slow decent size fish. I gambled on the weather report being bogus like it is most of the time came outside a little and it wasn't bad at all and headed to inside lighthouse bank put in 20 mins no hits then pulled up and went to long beach had 40 minutes of non stop action 4 nice size springs landed, 3 legal coho kept and one sockeye. Spent the next couple hours working some piles until we got our hali limit fish seem to be really on the move. Anchovies seem to dominate but army truck cuddlefish on a 30 inch leader and a quick troll hammered them.
I'll be fishing out of Tofino July 11-13. Last week I was solo in Ukee running around South Bank and over to Cree only to find out on the last morning the fishing was as good or better just outside the inlet. This week I'll be with my better half and looking for some inside swell free action. I'll probably try to get out one day for a Hali solo. Will report if internet is a go at the lodge.

What lodge you staying at? Most have good internet. We have Telus high speed which works great
Betsy's place. I think they have wifi. How has inside Clayoquot been recently? Give a wave if you see me in an old Campbell River tiller style Whaler.
The inside was hot then not seemed like many lucked out when the seas were tough and went inside and had a good day the following day inside was pretty slow decent size fish. I gambled on the weather report being bogus like it is most of the time came outside a little and it wasn't bad at all and headed to inside lighthouse bank put in 20 mins no hits then pulled up and went to long beach had 40 minutes of non stop action 4 nice size springs landed, 3 legal coho kept and one sockeye. Spent the next couple hours working some piles until we got our hali limit fish seem to be really on the move. Anchovies seem to dominate but army truck cuddlefish on a 30 inch leader and a quick troll hammered them.

You didn't really mean to say you kept that sockeye out on the banks, right!
Betsy's place. I think they have wifi. How has inside Clayoquot been recently? Give a wave if you see me in an old Campbell River tiller style Whaler.

Not sure if they do or not. It's been better offshore than inshore for springs yet lots of coho inside. I might not see if this fog continues, lol.
Kind of a funny response Bod there open year round in the area I fished and similar size to a coho great eating as well Spring limit was full for the day?

You are correct. They are open, but the bag limit is zero. Only open to retention sockeye fishery on the south coast is area 23.
With dismal Fraser returns predicted I don't think we will see a retention off shore.
Went 3 for 5 today on the inside near Tofino, Springs up to about 18-20 pounds. I think we trolled by you Tubber in a 18 ft Campion. Winds still blowing, lots of charter boats inside. Pretty good morning seemed to always be able to spot someone with a fish on.
well last weekend was my first time fishing ukee! man what a blast. went with a guy who new the waters well managed to make it out to big bank on saterday. limited out on halis and springs with two hatch cohos aswell in two hrs! bit to rough the following morning so we fished the inside with good results. 6 springs a nice 24 and 22 wich both gave up the best fights of the weekend. 3 coho 1 pink and a ling. don't know if i'll be able to fish around the gulf islands again after that action!
Went 3 for 5 today on the inside near Tofino, Springs up to about 18-20 pounds. I think we trolled by you Tubber in a 18 ft Campion. Winds still blowing, lots of charter boats inside. Pretty good morning seemed to always be able to spot someone with a fish on.

We'll be out again tomorrow. We got a nice one then left to chase cohos. We'll be there again in the morning. Can't say too much, due to all the help a local guide has been giving.
Schools of Chinooks on the 30 fathom line. Must have had over 20 hookups this morning and heard it was ridiculous this afternoon with multiple double headers!! :)
most of the offshore Chinook down deep on anchovies? will be arriving on the 17th. last year at the same time we were getting the big ones shallow on herring but tons of little guys down deep feeding on needle fish. come on pilchards and herring. start moving in with the big boy Chinook.
Here are a couple of quick pics from July 12,13 out of Tofino. The rock fishing was fast paced and constant, we limited by noon. The Salmon fishing was a bit slower but we were fairly successful, the largest Spring was 25.1lbs. The largest Halibut was 50.4lbs

