

Active Member
I never have understood why tides,low or high, affect the bite. Lows in some areas.high in others? I be embarrased if someone asked me the same question almost the same as me posting this.
I think feed move in respective areas according to the tides? Im not sure but thats my guess. So the salmon follow the feed,find the feed,find the salmon,example.Sooke,rising to high tide,the right time.Low tide,pretty slow. Now Im getting confused,appreciate answers.
my understanding is that on a tide change , there is a period
of "slack" where bait and fish can move around easily...
during that time period, it's easier for them to move
and thereby hunt food.
the Flood would theoretically push feed up against structure
and therefore high slack should be a good time to fish
the Trap,otter,Beechey etc.
In my experience, I've found the best times to be during the peak of the tide (2-4 hrs after a slack). I've seen the hottest fishing in the tide rips in front of Secretary and in front of Beechy Head when its all you can do to keep from sliding backwards.
I am guessing there will be many oppinions on this?
I like to base my peak feeding times for Sooke on the current changes as opposed to tide changes. Based on Juan De Fuca East Harmonic station, wich is a predictiction on current speed and changes at that station wich is about 2 miles SW of Race Rocks.You can purchase a Canadian Hydrographic Service tide and current booklet from most fishing stores.It will tell you High and Low current Speeds and the Turns from Ebb-Flood and vice versa. When you see the flood current collide with the ebb it creates rips and upwellings causing the bait to swirl and flutter around in a state of panic rather than hide quietly in safety of rocks and shadows, therfore stimulating fish to feed more activly. The feed seems to get pushed in to back eddys and the lee side of reefs created by currents. Otter Point, Beechey Head etc. is like a river bend on the flood with feed pushed in on the outside of the bend.