This is the final SSS in-season update for 2007.

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This is the final in-season update for 2007.

Counting was going to end on November 9 but due to an unexpected increase
in abundance of coho jacks it was decided to continue over the weekend.
Counting ended after Sunday 11th due to extremely high flows encountered on
the morning of the 12th (over the top of the railings on the fishway).

Nearly 500 coho jacks and 400 coho adults were observed from Nov 7-11.

Totals for the year were:
16,953 Adult Chinook
2,034 Jack Chinook
44,479 Adult Coho
4,168 Jack Coho

Thanks to the Hupacasath First Nation and their employees for another
excellent job manning and counting at the fishway.

The annual deadpitch program on the Upper Stamp has gone well and
the crew managed to obtain a very good sample. They will conduct 1 final
sample next week to clean up any final carcasses before winding down

Thanks also to the staff at Robertson Creek Hatchery for
conducting sampling at the hatchery and to Harley and Kevin for organising
and running the deadpitch crew.

Over the next 2 months verifications will be conducted on the
daytime video taken to adjust counts for any sampling error. Nighttime
video will also be reviewed to assess for nighttime migration.

Please see attached for details.

<<Stamp Falls fan out 2007.xls>>

If you are aware of anybody wishing to be on
this distribution list (or if you wish to be removed) then please let me

Jeff Till
Salmon Technician/Thermal Marking Coordinator
South Coast/Stock Assessment
3225 Stephenson Point Road
B.C. V9T 1K3
Tel (250) 756-7226
Fax (250) 756-7162