Think Pink!

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New Guy here,

I just read through some of these threads, especially the 5 pages of rants about food vs catch & release fishing, and I'd like to put in a plug for fishing pinks.

We just came back from Telegraph Cove where the springs were spotty, but the pinks were everywhere. We had to switch to big plugs & spoons to try to avoid them. Fortunately I was with my 9-year old and he had a blast fishing the pinks - just we were hitting limits to soon. These were really what I considered 'lunker' pinks - all we between 7-9 pounds, respectable for pinks.

What I wish we had done in retrospect was to fish them with false flashers more. When using light gear, they are scrappy fighters.

The Fly-fisherman who will be flocking to the Cluxewe,Oyster and the Nile in a couple of weeks revere these fish as great sport. Yet, most who catch them while trolling consider them a step above dogfish.

Maybe it's time for a attitude change. Lighten up (the gear, that is), and enjoy fishing the fish we have that are abundant, and whose returns are predictable thanks to enhancement from hatcheries.
As long as they are eaten before freezing and fresh they are just as good as any salmon in my opinion.
Last year the pink fishing was bad (meaning too many and a nuisance), and that was the off year. I can't imagine what this year will be like. Hopefully mr springer sees our offering before.
Did you land any springs? where were you fishing? any halibut caught or seen?

Springs: A couple in the 20's and one 31(though not by me). a nice 15# Chum too.

My buddy also landed a 30# Hali while fishing behind Malcolm Island off Bowlder Point. Though he was trolling at the time. That was also the only place consistently producing springs. But only within the first hour at first light.

The tyee came off Bold Head at first light. All but one spring came on Anchovies.

We were fishing the rising tides at Cracroft Point - where there were masses of pinks but few Springs and tons of dogfish. Normally that's a pretty good spot, but even the guide boats didn't seem to be landing (or even hooking) any.

The rule seemed to be: 'if there's no baitfish, there's no fish'.

Fortunately for us, where we stay they have an industrial strength vacuum sealer, so everything is processed right away. We bbq'd a couple of pinks fresh off the boat and they tasted great.
Yea that sounds about right...
at least you were getting into fish though. Bold head is a good spot, trust me on that. We have found that the depth is extremely important along malcolm, and you can triple your catch by fishing in the right area. Craycroft is a alot of fun for coho/pink, however last year we found a pile of springs down deep and caught a couple each afternoon.
Good job men, and take care, we are off for a week on a cruise to Alaska!
hey can u catch any pinks off the victoria waterfront or do i have to wait till next year??
give me a nice 5# pink over a 25# + chinnok for the bar-b any day.
uh..uh well uhhh.. i a can't ummm... well you know.:D:D:D