the THEFT of BC's rivers... watch this video

Wow, that was something . It amazes me each time I see issues like this uncovered. I think Micheal Moore needs to be involved.

Would be interesting to see a flip side version, or the governments justification of this plan.

The whole thing is very scary!
Wow, that was something . It amazes me each time I see issues like this uncovered. I think Micheal Moore needs to be involved.

Would be interesting to see a flip side version, or the governments justification of this plan.

The whole thing is very scary!
Once again those interested in protecting our fishing rights have another govt. led, greed inspired, debacle (like net pen fish farms) to fight against to ensure fish and the right to fish for future generations. This is a good video well worth watching.
I think its time to bring this back to the top...
This is not good!