Just got home from the lead melt. Was great time and no one got hurt or to drunk

. First and for most Thank you SO much to John(Sculpin) for making the trek up from nanaimo and bringing up alot of the raffle prizes, supplying the propane, the safety gear, fabricating the pots, and running the barby. And also a big thanks to FA Owen for sitting in front of a pot for hours yesterday and today to make this happen. Was an ok showing(12-15 guys) considering the importance of the issue i thought there would have been alot more... but we did recieve some money and prizes from people that couldnt make it. And the people that did come and people who donated before came with deep pockets. We raised $1030, through lead sales, burgers, dogs, sticker sales, raffle and im still collecting money from kelly and Island girl. I will make a donation at the end of the week on behalf of the SFBC Lead melt crew once i get together the rest of the money. i have about 10 15lb balls and a few 12 lbers left that are for sale for this cause. We also have quite a few of Jim`s(Foxseas) stickers left for $5 a piece. These things are awesome! If anyone is interested pm me and i will get them to you this week. I plan to make the donation via
On friday, or when i move the rest of these balls, whatever comes first. If you would like to make a $$$ donation before friday go to the website posted above and in the comments put on behalf of the SFBC lead melt.
Thank you so much for everyone that donated to the raffle, donated time, donated money, donated lead, donated molds took one after noon off of fishing to support what i consider the NUMBER 1 problem OUR salmon are up against.
There was probably around 30 people involved one way or another, so thank you to all of you( i wont name them all at the risk of forgetting someone
