Unless the Frsaer river turns around we are going to see the same round of closures for years to come. No change in government is going to make any difference.
I disagree with this, Fraser Returns actually don't have that much to do with restrictions. Based on my conversations with local fraser river DFO resource managers its mostly to do with FN allocations especially when you start getting into the August restrictions. If more fish would help we would of seen less restitions this year as Fraser FNs will most likely get over a million sockeye allocated to them for FSC. With FSC being met with sockeye there is no reason for them to have 30K plus fraser summer 4-1 chinook allocated to them and that would free them up for ocean fisheries.
Pretty much all the stocks of return are also in the river by August 23rd, DFO's on science is pretty clear on this.
What we are seeing is a result of Minister decisions based around FN allocations, ENGO Lobby and PMO policy. If you recall back in 2018 with the A and B options put out by lower level DFO staff based on scientific measures they were much less restrictive then what the minister ultimately decided. Some of these restrictions were actually planned to go back in 2008.
A conservative government would make a big difference for recreational access to fish.
Also lets not forget about the goal posts being moved, Its not Just about fraser stocks of concern but also, GST stocks of concern now like squamish, Nanaimo and others.
You are right though a MSF does see to be the only path forward.
A minister that's more favorable to the recreational fishery IMO would make a HUGE difference.