Terminal Tackle Swivel

Captain PartyMarty

Crew Member
So I normally terminate my line with just a run of the mill ball bearing swivel I buying at army and navy. But after reading some tackle posts here on the forum it seems many of you perfer to use a bead chain. Do any of you have recomendations for a good manufacturer for bead chains? What size... or is it better to to get a high quality ball bearing swivel?

After searching the web these are two options I am considering

http://sampoinc.com/sa_sr_coastlock.htm (The large size with costal lock Clip)


http://visionhooksandtackle.com/products/swivels/rolling-chain-barrel-swivels/ with one of those dimond snaps talked about on here

Also I like the idea of adding a bead to protect the rod end, how large of a bead should I use and does anybody have a color perferance?
is it better to to get a high quality ball bearing swivel?
Yes many times better.

There are all kinds of sources for good quality ball bearing swiverls on the net-I like Leadertec from the UK but Cabela's house brand has stood the test of time.

Bear in mind that a lot of the people here who recommend bead chains have NFC as to the difference between swivels and are just tight assed Canucks looking to save a few pennies-they mean well but are captive to false economy.

A bead doesn't really make much difference unless you're stupid clumsy or a charter operators in which case your guests are almost certain to be stupid clumsy-some of them anyway.
Yes many times better.

There are all kinds of sources for good quality ball bearing swiverls on the net-I like Leadertec from the UK but Cabela's house brand has stood the test of time.

Bear in mind that a lot of the people here who recommend bead chains have NFC as to the difference between swivels and are just tight assed Canucks looking to save a few pennies-they mean well but are captive to false economy.

A bead doesn't really make much difference unless you're stupid clumsy or a charter operators in which case your guests are almost certain to be stupid clumsy-some of them anyway.

OUCH!! haha....in defense of the bead....I like it for the reason that when I am breaking down my rods, i detach the flasher from the clip, and reel the clip up to the top eye, leading with the bead. Lighly set the bead at the eye and the clip doesn't bang into the tip and you don't have to have an extra 5' of line coming down to the eye in front of the handle (or on a guide if that is your thing).
IMO Sampo (or equivalent) swivels are pricey but worth it. I like to have a sampo-quicksnap combo at the end of my mainline, which almost guarantees no line twist. Bead chains get the job done though..... and the price is way better. Just preference......
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I thought the advantage of using a bead chain was to reduce the likely hood of fouling
No-in fact bead chain has a profile that could result in it's picking up weed thus fouling your rig-not a real big deal though the ball bearing just turns better.

As to the BB swivels that PN&T sell I've used those too and they are top notch.
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I'll bet your 30lb mono will break long before a 100lb swivel ;)

always thought this was strange how people use large terminal tackle that is way way WAY over-rated for salmon fishing. tiny barrel swivels you would rig for fishing trout are rated at 80lbs....any smaller and it might be tough to get 30lb mono through they eye of the swivel!

The weakest link in your tackled rod is the line itself. So why use bulky terminals....maybe there's a reason I'm missing? Do larger swivels rotate better?
I find the larger ones are easy to work with when you can't find the reading glasses.
Nice on a cold morning when the fingers aren't working well.
Sampo is the only way to go IMHO. I use fairly large Sampo swivels because they easily fit over the ring on the end of an 11" Pro-troll flasher.