Ten things to know about spot prawns.

Spot prawn populations exploded when the rock fish and ling populations declined, now the rock fish populations are on the rebound I guess the spot prawns will be on the decline.

Never thought of that.
I am always blaming the commies, and rightly so, but increased predation will also definitely have an impact.
Is vacuum sealing an alternative? Or, is that a poor alternative to freezing in seawater?
I guess you could, although I've never tried.

I have a couple dozen of these Rubbermaid Takealong food containers. They're at Walmart and most supermarkets for about a buck each. I always have a bunch on the boat with me, fill with prawns (heads removed) and seawater before docking. All I have to after that is freeze them.

The size pictured holds enough for a meal for four, and there's a shallower one for couple sized meal. Same lid fits both. We use them for other food saver duties through the year and then back they go to the coast in spring and summer. Simple and cheap, and they stack nicely in the freezer. A large elastic keeps them together and tidy in the boat.


We do yogourt tubs.
Smaller size for the grans, and the middle sized for family size.
Seawater is key.
We save all of our large yoghurt containers and lids as well. One will hold around two dozen good sized prawns with water. I have just used fresh tap water so far but I’m intrigued by the idea that salt water may be better? I take the heads off immediately after retrieving the traps and put the tails in a container in the boat fridge or on ice until I get home to divide them in to containers.
We save all of our large yoghurt containers and lids as well. One will hold around two dozen good sized prawns with water. I have just used fresh tap water so far but I’m intrigued by the idea that salt water may be better? I take the heads off immediately after retrieving the traps and put the tails in a container in the boat fridge or on ice until I get home to divide them in to containers.
You can add salt to tap water as well. Just don't add too much. I find that keeping the prawns in well circulated water while on the boat for as long as possible also helps to get rid of poop and left over pellets in their mouths.
You can add salt to tap water as well. Just don't add too much. I find that keeping the prawns in well circulated water while on the boat for as long as possible also helps to get rid of poop and left over pellets in their mouths.
I guess that makes sense; it’s been many years but I remember leaving clams in water for about an hour before cooking which gave them a chance to expel sand and other contaminants
You can add salt to tap water as well. Just don't add too much. I find that keeping the prawns in well circulated water while on the boat for as long as possible also helps to get rid of poop and left over pellets in their mouths.
take a 5 gallon pail and drill holes in the bottom. sit it in another similar bucket full of water and turn the water over a few times. cleans them really well. we call it the do-sh bucket. not to be confused with the poop bucket.