Tell Your Best Joke

2 newfies are planning their annual fishing trip and contact the same charter theyve used for years to fly them into the bush and drop them off for a week and get picked up 7 days after they get dropped they get picked up by a brand new pilot to this airline, first trip with them into teh bush they get dropped off in the middle of nowhere and begin fishing. After 7 days and hundreds of pounds of fish the plane pilot returns to pick them up and looks at their spoils and says they cannot possibly take that much fish, its too much weight for the plane. They both insisted that this is what they do every single year, the same amount of fish, in the same kind of plane, they convince the pilot that it will be fine and begin take-off....after about 100 feet of the runway they couldnt clear the treeline, clip the trees and crash land into a soft meadow, looking around the hundreds of pounds of fish and gear, both newfies and the pilot survive, one of the newfies looks to the other one and says "lard jesus lawrence....where da hell are we" lawrence gets out of the plane wreck and has a long look and replies.... "well lard jesus would you look at that!! not too far from the same spot we crashed last year"