Tell Your Best Joke

old cowboy walks into the saloon, sign over the bar says anyone who can make the horse laugh free drinks, cowboy goes out to the horse whispers in its ear and the horse starts laughing hysterically free drinks, couple weeks later he walks into the bar and sign says anybody who can make this horse cry free drinks. cowboy goes out and the next thing is the horse is sobbing. Bar tender says ok how did you do that , cowboy says the first time I told him I was hung bigger than him, this time I proved it
Copied, but Reality...

This is more true this year then ever before.
I was once told when a man walks into the timber he carries much more weight then he does walking out.
As a boy I never got it I figured the goal was to be packing the weight of a harvest.
But as I got older it all made perfect sense.
While your sitting there 15 feet up a tree you have no choice but to think about the things weighing on your mind.
You come to terms with all the rights and wrongs, you make light of the dark times and pray for the good.
What I owe to the woods I could never repay.
Its where I have become who I am, its made me appreciate life and its beauty, and most of all its kept me going....
Duck: got any bread?
Me: no
Duck: got any bread?
Me: No.
Duck: got any bread?
Me: no!
Duck: got any bread?
Me: no!!
Duck: got any bread?
Me: No!!! I already told you!
Duck: got any bread?
Me: No, no, NO!!! And if you ask me again, I'm gonna nail your stupid webbed feet to the floor!
Duck: got any nails?
Me: no
Duck: got any bread?