Telegraph Cove

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Mudder Man

Good Morning everyone

Well we did our first trip to the Cove last week. The trip started out slow as we needed to learn the area as well as to learn how to fish using so rapid moving Tidal Waters. We managed a 25, 24, 22 and 15 pound Chinook as well as a few 8 and 9 pounders. We also did get a few nice Coho. The Halibut took us a bit to hook into but we did almost get our limit in Chickens.

Wolf how did you guys make out at Flower Island that Wednesday evening when all 3 of your Guide Boats came out to Fish? That was us in the 2325 Habourcraft Kingfisher that was fishing when you came out. We were hardly getting a hit there so we jumped over to Donegal and did much better there that evening.

I am sure we will do that trip again next year but we will have more time fishing rather then Mapping the area as we now have many GPS points logged in.

Tight lines people.

Hey Mudder, glad to hear you had a productive trip!!!

Care to share some info that may help others.... Lures? Colors? Bait? Water depth? Downrigger depth? Trolling speeds? Time of day/tide cycle? Most productive settings ie reef, walls, rips, kelp beds? Any new learning points to share?

Not looking for locations - just general techniques that produced for you that may help put others on more fish.
Mudder man fishing was good for us all up there this week you were up there when the tides were slow you should see it when they are huge tides rock and roll sometimes lol.

For the week we managed to get 27 springs and 6 tyee for the quests the biggest was a 42 lber from craycroft and a 38 on the same day and a 72 yr young man reeled it in we worked flower alot and managed to get a lot out of there the afternoon flood worked well for us as well malcom was good for a bit then dried up the weather was great and it was good to see some nice coho around here is a few photos of the trip




Good luck wolf
Wow wolf those are some really nice pictures... It is great to see a couple nice fish already this year... Hopefully it bodes well for our trip in august. We took the boat out for a test run on a local lake today, my brother, dad and I literally can't wait. I am sure we will see you on the flood tides in the afternoons out there when we go
Were there any problem seals up there this year?
Wolf looks like you guys did well indeed. The bite was just picking up when we left on Thursday. I would have loved to stay a few more days but so be it. Nice fish you got for the Elderly Gentleman.

Sir - we just used the regular stuff for fishing nothing fancy. Hootchies did the best for us and Mud Rakers on the Halibut with a bit of Meat on them. Just look for the boat when you head out as they are out there pleanty ealry in the morning and the spots cannot be missed. All depths of water are holding fish but we did attempt to fish shallow until the bait started to move out with the Tides.

Good luck

Explorer saw only one seal take a fish off of craycroft right near the wall and that was it didnt see too many seals around but there were some transients working flower one day right in the garden.

Sir every spot we fish is different craycroft I go down as far as 90 ft being so deep and flower my deepest rod is only 50 ft as i work the reefs and shelfs there and malcom maybe 60 ft every spot is different and you have to fish them differently it is a learning curve as to know where to fish a spot and not to as the tides are heavy there just comes with experience in that area for sure.

Good luck Wolf
We just got back from telegraph yesterday..Had no problem getting our limits in chickens( 2 boats) using Berkley power baits.
I wish I had taken the salmon gear since we were done bottom fishing early every day.
Good too hear that you got your Halibut's while you were up there Island Girl. Our average was around 12 pounds on all the Chickens we got. Indeed it is too bad you didnt do any Salmon fishing as it was picking up pretty good late last week.

Going back to telegraph tonight for a weekend of fishing and taking the salmon gear along to start the learning curve..LOL
Will monitor ch 16
Just call Islandgirl
Hey Wolf. Nice looking fish!
We are doing a trip August 23rd for a week.
We have a choice of Sooke (Sunny Shores) which we have done for years or going to Port Mcneil with my cousin.
Thoughts on best bet for that time of year?

Sir Reel
Stay at sooke it seems the runs in August up there are spotting where in sooke its good but its your call.
