TC meeting


Well-Known Member
So yesterday we had TC come in to our meeting to discuss licencing and safety at work.

A couple interesting things came up about BC and C #'s. This was all news to me.

If you had a BC# issued in the last couple years, check your papers as the number expires every 10 years. If it was issued prior to around 2010, check, but you should be OK. The C# expires every 5 years.

He was saying that this is one of the things that most boaters do not or did not know.

Another thing was that if you have an inboard engine, you need to have a hole/port somewhere on your engine cover to be able to spray in your CO2 fire extinguisher (10 lbs), if you do not have an on-board extinguishing system. What I was not sure was if this was only for commercial boats or for all boats.

Forgot to add that Mustang (or other like company) inflatable vests are now accepted as Life Jackets. But they have to be on your body when you get checked. If they are in storage, they are not classified as a Life Jacket. No more having to carry the horse collars or other vest type LJ. Also, the Life Jacket must be Canadian certified, which means if it has french on the instruction tag, it is acceptable......that's straight from the TC guy. For you guys who guide and your client brings up his Cabelas Vest, they are OK.....but onlu if they are wearing it.

It was an informing meeting and it cleared up a few questions I had about SVOP and POC.


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