Tales From The Tyee Pool......2024

Watching the camera at the Tyee clubhouse last night, barely an hour after making my last post, I noted a boat arriving at the beach, a crowd gathering near the scale, and Bob the Weighmaster taking charge.
A couple of minutes later and a woman rang the bell, signifying a Tyee had been registered.

As it turned out, the woman was Kalyn Pearson and her Tyee just missed being 38 lbs. as it weighed 37 lbs. and 15 ounces.
Rowed by her hubby, Paul, the fish took a plug.
Congratulations to the happy duo on their really nice fish.

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Well done and well deserved.

It's time.

Take care.
It seems like a shame that 37lbs, 15oz. has it's photo taken next to a 37 1/2 sign. Maybe we could chip in and buy them 1/16, 1/8.... 15/16 signs. :-)
Just found out that the infamous Paul Curtis rowed a new member into the Tyee Club early this morning when he successfully managed to net a long and lean Tyee, weighing 30 lbs. and six ounces at 40 inches in length.
New member Ray Barriault was stoked as he has tried for a Tyee numerous times.

No pic yet but will follow up later.

Take care.
As threatened, here is the pic of Paul and Ray and their early morning Tyee from earlier today.


Good going guys.

Take care.
Looks like another one this morning, but I've only seen the camera so have no other info.

31 1/2 lbs.

Take care.
Got some info and I stole it verbatim from the Tyee Club's Facebook page.
I have no shame.

"After 12 years of effort, and after 11 years of first guiding a Tyee in 2013, Chris Nicholas is our newest Registered Member after landing this 31.5lb Tyee this morning on a plug, guided by his brother Don Nicholas, Registered Member and now accomplished Guide after rowing Chris to this Tyee. Congratulations to both of you!"

And here is the happy new member.


Well done.

Take care.
Got some info and I stole it verbatim from the Tyee Club's Facebook page.
I have no shame.

"After 12 years of effort, and after 11 years of first guiding a Tyee in 2013, Chris Nicholas is our newest Registered Member after landing this 31.5lb Tyee this morning on a plug, guided by his brother Don Nicholas, Registered Member and now accomplished Guide after rowing Chris to this Tyee. Congratulations to both of you!"

And here is the happy new member.

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Well done.

Take care.
Congrats Chris and Donny, Brent will be on a mission to top that now
Today (tonight) is the 11th. anniversary of when I rowed Aaron Boles to this 45 pound Tyee, which made him a new member of the Tyee Club of BC.
This is probably the biggest Tyee I'll ever row, given the present circumstances, and I'm proud of that fish as we caught it defying the conventional wisdom.

Anyway, I need to catch a Tyee of any size as it's been too long now without one.

Not a great photo and I'm 6'2" and about 205 pounds for comparison.


Take care.
Is there may undersize, Tynee's being caught?

No "Tynees" caught at all that I'm aware of, but a few undersize non-Tyees have been caught.

Not many and really slow overall so far.

Still hopeful.

Take care.
It's blowing a bit right now from the SE, and with an ebb tide current it looks like an off night for the sane people.
Some crazy people were out a bit ago, but I don't think they will last very long.

However, last night was the attempt to recreate the famous photo of all the Tyee boats lined up on the beach, taken in 1924.
I don't think this year's version will ever become as iconic as the original, but the attempt was made.

Here are a couple of pics of the line-up being formed. That's my wooden boat right there.

And here's yours truly guarding my boat from Toredo worms.

Immediately after photos were taken and the drone flew over, most everyone headed out to start fishing.
And the moon came up too. Nice night with hundreds of years of experience using proven gear and not a fish taken.
Not good.

Take care.
It's blowing a bit right now from the SE, and with an ebb tide current it looks like an off night for the sane people.
Some crazy people were out a bit ago, but I don't think they will last very long.

However, last night was the attempt to recreate the famous photo of all the Tyee boats lined up on the beach, taken in 1924.
I don't think this year's version will ever become as iconic as the original, but the attempt was made.

Here are a couple of pics of the line-up being formed. That's my wooden boat right there.
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And here's yours truly guarding my boat from Toredo worms.
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Immediately after photos were taken and the drone flew over, most everyone headed out to start fishing.
And the moon came up too. Nice night with hundreds of years of experience using proven gear and not a fish taken.
Not good.
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Take care.
For those of you who know my "Dad" Dave only through this forum I wish you the opportunity to one day meet him in person and get to know the amazing man behind Tales from The Tyee Pool. He has been like a father to me over the 34 years we have been fishing and hanging out together, and has mentored and "guided" me through some very stormy waters at times. Moving ahead to now without boring you all with the details, he is helping me to teach the next generation, affording my nephews the opportunity to enjoy the time-honoured tradition and privilege we share of being able to still fish The Pool the same way that our predecessors did a century ago. We didnt hook up this trip but will be back first week of Sept to have another go... we all know that hooking and landing a Chinook over 30 lbs. is our ultimate goal, but that's just really the bonus isn't it....tight lines to all. Karl the Fish


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i can’t seem to find the one taken from the beach; i’ll keep looking but look at some of these fish and also the attire of the fisherfolk! interesting to see tha changes over the years!
i can’t seem to find the one taken from the beach; i’ll keep looking but look at some of these fish and also the attire of the fisherfolk! interesting to see tha changes over the years!
Got this one but not sure it covers all the boats back then.


Take care.
Well, it sure has been slow so far, with still only four Tyee on the board.

And it rained a bit yesterday, although the overnight rain must have been really heavy, given what I just pumped out of my boat.
Last night, at around 8:00 PM or so, I ventured out, hoping to take advantage of the brief respite from what had been a steady rain all day, heavy at times.
Before I made it from my place to the parking lot, the skies opened up and it started downpouring again. Really hard.

I sat for a bit before heading down to my boat and discovered an intrepid soul using the club pump and methodically pumping out all the floating boats and also some that were on deck.
He hailed me and told me to hang tough and he would come bail me out. I had my customized 12-volt bilge pump with me so carried it to my boat, intending to set it up for future use.
I think it was Peter Wipper who arrived with the club pump in hand and quickly made short work of the water in my boat.
That pump works a lot better than mine does and now that I know where to plug it in and how it works I'm stoked as can be.
So, shortly after 8:00 PM last night my boat was relatively empty.

A half hour ago I went down to have a look, unaware of the very heavy rain that must have fallen last night and was amazed to find my boat slightly tipped to one side and having more water in it than it did the night before. I am a sound sleeper and had not heard it at all, but it must have been really heavy to have put more water in my boat in a short time than a whole day of steady rain had done before.

Anyway, the club pump made short work of it and I'm all ready to get out tonight with my old next door neighbor from a dozen years ago.
Maybe I can get him a fish and break my dry spell.

It could happen. LOL

Take care.