Tales From The Tyee Pool......2024

Dave H

Well-Known Member
Greetings once again from my humble abode, and welcome to the 100th. year of existence of the Tyee Club of BC.

Last year I opened with a long post, but this one will be short, with but a couple of tidbits to share.

First, after a decade mooring my boat at Coril Air for the season, I have made it to the Tyee Club dock, courtesy of Sharon Korol, one of my favorite rod-holders. This represents a savings of more than $200.00 so is worthwhile.
Thanks to the management and crew at Coril for their diligence at watching our boats there over the years.
I appreciated it.

Second, my long-time rod-holder of a decade or so finally has given up on me ever rowing him into the club and purchased his own rowboat.
He's been busy getting gear together after buying a trailer and engine, is doing some work on the boat and has changed its name.

I won't share anything else about that here and now as he may wish to enlighten us himself and I don't want to steal his thunder.

Anyway, slowly getting my boat ready and looking forward to a new season with the ever optimistic zeal common to anglers everywhere, although I must confess I don't like the really hot weather as much as I used to.
I'm getting old for some reason.

As usual, probably won't be many posts here until some fish show up, but I'll do my best.

Take care.
go get them Dave, what are the opening and closing dates?

July 15th. through September 15th. define the times, but the season really starts when some fish show up.

Hoping ..................

Take care.
Happy season begins and salutations, I have been looking forward to your posts as your pool has inspired a great interest in all things west coast especially the great tyee
Looking forward to one day being a regular on this sacred spot
Good luck All, and many tight lines
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Greetings once again from my humble abode, and welcome to the 100th. year of existence of the Tyee Club of BC.

Last year I opened with a long post, but this one will be short, with but a couple of tidbits to share.

First, after a decade mooring my boat at Coril Air for the season, I have made it to the Tyee Club dock, courtesy of Sharon Korol, one of my favorite rod-holders. This represents a savings of more than $200.00 so is worthwhile.
Thanks to the management and crew at Coril for their diligence at watching our boats there over the years.
I appreciated it.

Second, my long-time rod-holder of a decade or so finally has given up on me ever rowing him into the club and purchased his own rowboat.
He's been busy getting gear together after buying a trailer and engine, is doing some work on the boat and has changed its name.

I won't share anything else about that here and now as he may wish to enlighten us himself and I don't want to steal his thunder.

Anyway, slowly getting my boat ready and looking forward to a new season with the ever optimistic zeal common to anglers everywhere, although I must confess I don't like the really hot weather as much as I used to.
I'm getting old for some reason.

As usual, probably won't be many posts here until some fish show up, but I'll do my best.

Take care.
Welcome back Dave! It’s great to hear from you!
Congratulations on the new mooring location.
Good luck out there
I'm always excited when this thread kicks off each year. I had to explain to my wife why there was an audible "oohh!" when I saw this year's post. I have yet to make it up to fish the pool but... BUT... I have a firm retirement date from work of June, 2026. Perhaps in July of 2026 I'll make it up there.
In my opening post for this year, I noted that one of my long-time rod holders had bought his own rowboat and was gearing up to teach his wife how to row so he might have a real chance at catching a Tyee, given I have failed him miserably the past decade or so.

He's given me permission to tell the tale of his new boat so here it is.

Owen, aka Fishassassin, saw an ad for a 14 1/2 foot Whitehall style fiberglass rowboat for sale at Shawnigan Lake.
Curious, he phoned and talked with the woman offering it then agreed to visit and look at the boat.
Impressed with what he found, he made an offer that was accepted, and the deal was consummated.

This led to the purchase of a new trailer and a new outboard, as well as hunting down and buying several rods, ordering a couple of new reels and trying to find some good plugs.
The interesting thing to me is the history of the boat, which was named GEORGE, when Owen first saw it.

Two women rowing it about.

One might be excused for wondering where the name GEORGE came from as the name of a rowboat, so here's the story.

A gentleman whose name is George Peter Alexander Pollen was both a businessman and then a politician, so he decided that using the name Peter Pollen would be the best combination of his four names, going forward.
Becoming successful with a car dealership at Victoria he entered local politics and served as Mayor of Victoria twice.

Becoming successful he and family had a summer cabin at Shawnigan Lake and somewhere along the line the boat became part of that, being used in summer and stored away under cover the rest of the year.
Apparently only family members and close friends called him George, so for some reason known only to the family, the boat became GEORGE.

Owen has re-named it and is working on converting it for Tyee fishing.

Maybe have some more pics later.

Nothing happening in the pool as yet.

Managed to get my boat flipped over yesterday on the trailer and should have it ready to go by the end of this week.

Take care.
Like so many others, I too wait patiently wait for this thread to come to life....

I hope this year is going to great, lots of stories and pictures!

This year I am stuck at home with a few operations happening, so please post as many pictures as you can!

Have fun and be safe!

As I noted last evening, Owen has changed the name of his boat, and in a very clever way.

First, I should let you know that Owen and family have a new addition, a cute dog named Phish.
Here he is.

Figuring that Phish would be a companion when out in the rowboat, Owen came up with this name.

When I asked how he planned to accommodate rod holders, and particularly me, he told me he was hard at it and then asked for the spacing (in inches) between my buttock cheeks.
I don't usually share personal information like that, but we've known each other for some years now so I gave him the precise measurement, wondering why he needed it.

Shortly afterwards, one of my operatives sent me a photo of what I was told was a mock-up of the seat being built for me, and here it is.
I dunno, cardboard and duct tape seems a bit sparse to me, but what do I know?

I later heard he had improved on his first idea and was building a real frame suitable for having cushions attached so we can sit in relative comfort.
Turned out to be true, and here it is.

I'm looking forward to being rowed a bit this year, and think it would be fitting if Owen's wife, Laura, rowed me to a Tyee first, then one for Owen and then win the Dr. Richard Murphy trophy, like I did my first year of rowing. LOL

Anyway, got a bit of boat work to get at so see you all later.

Take care.