Sweden Prawn Traps

I use hole punched or partially opened cat food cans for bait. All the bait was in the trap when it came up and we were in a decent fishing spot. We even hooked our rope to the end of the trap so when lifting it came up vertically and funneled the prawns into the rear chamber. It did work well but there was only 5 prawns to funnel. Lol. 10 to 1 round vs swedish. Good luck with them, if you need another let me know....ill cut you a good deal :)
Thanks FB.. i think two of them is enough.. just trying to decide if i want two round ones or two Bauer Sea traps to finish off my string.
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Purchased two new prawn traps today.. the round ones with the small sporty mesh,going to weight them down the same and alternate them on the string with the for-mentioned swedish traps and giver Another go.. i'll get to the bottom of this trap issue and hell, four traps should fish better then two!
I am looking forward to your results!