They all work but some of the cheap ones let the Crabs escape if there is any play or flex or clips on the seems etc that hold them together are damaged or missing. Especially the cheap plastic coated reg. steel square ones which I have noticed the crabs seem to be able to escape from easier if they are left down a long time. The only advantage of the cheap square ones is that they are very inexpensive even new and you care less if they were to go missing. They also rust out if used a lot even with the plastic coating and generally seem to fall apart more.
The real issue is which are the best traps for catching and holding crabs and that depends on how you plan to use them. The best for actually catching and holding crabs in my view are the large heavy weighted round stainless commercial traps with zincs which will out fish all the others about three to one. The downside is that they are huge and heavy and in my view are best if you are in a marina and can put them in the harbour nearby and leave them in for months on end and just check them and re-bait whenever you are out in the boat. If you fish them deeper or are older and pull them by hand you will need a good back. They also take up way to much room on the boat and are in the way and messy and the non stainless weight ring can leave rust stains and because of their size and weight are more likely to damage your glass boat gel coat with handling.
Next best for actually catching crabs are the smaller round all stainless sort of sport version of the stainless commercial traps without the heavy reg. steel weight rings etc. They take up less space than full size commercial traps and don't leave rust stains and work better and hold crabs better than the cheap square ones but are still not as good as the real full size weighted commercial ones for catching lots of crabs. They are also rather pricy, more so than used full size commercial traps and harder to find used at bargain prices but if you trailer your boat, go to different locations etc. they may be your best option. Don’t forget the lead core trap line as it is a real hazard to yours and others boats having it float on the surface where you can run your leg or prop. into it.