Steelies on the Somass....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kemps Boy
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hey chevy where you fishing? stamp sproat somass? wanna get my dad into a fish this season thanks....

well if i told ya then the low pressure area i was fishing wont be so low pressure anymore. Lets just say i was fishing somewhere around the Port area<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>.
lol well hmm theres alot of areas lol oh well i guess go figure it out going saturday and sunday, got afew spots i know of that are deadly with high water, so will go check them out.
well im out steelheadman
Unless something major happens in the way of stopping the sky-water, Killer Spots or not, it will prove to be one tough weekend! She's still climbing and running straight MUD! Current visibility is about 1 millimeter <img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>

Still managed a few, but ya nog is right the vis is completely shot.-dirty
the place i was fishin yesterday will DEFINITLY be too high to get a good drift by now. Gonna be a falls pool show for a while!
Right Bags, it can't, BUT it CAN get crowded!
Today, a week day, and no less than 17 rods observed in just a few short hours!! WOW! Wait 'til the weekend, might as well be the PaperMill Social Club all over again!

Couldn't get out today. Damn DRUNK crossed over the line right near the iron bridge, and took out my 4x4 last night on the way home. SUCKS!!!

yeah i got out yesterday to the sproat was quite high but clear me and buddy managed 1 fish each both nice little wints, was gunna go out today....but noone wants to go in the rain lol
Hey Bags,
As of 2:00 pm this aft, she was up well into the timber with visibility about 2 - 2.5 feet. Tough to get anywhere near the regular slicks, and most look right like a firehose!
Gonna rest it a day or two now, but letcha know next time out.
hey boys whats happening on the main flow? fishing friday then all next week, no school for me lol<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle> so hopefully the stamp will be in shape for this weekend, thinking it will be, if not theres always the sproat, fishing a small creek by my house tomorrow...should be good! well im out

Looks like she's finally crested, and started to fall alright. BUT she's still way up in the timber in most places as of dark this eve. Viz is about 4 feet. Should we get no more, or at least only a little sky-water in the next while, she should drop nicely into perfect shape in the next couple of days or so.
