
  • Thread starter Thread starter saltybeaver
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should be steelies in there mostly summers though with the odd winter showing now i would say, wouldent know though havent fished the stamp yet this season, havent had to lol<img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>
"copenhagen makes me feel so good"

steelheadman....tightline ill be nailn on some fresh chrome steelies friday sat n sunday gunna be fun
Fished the Stamp 2 days ago. First day fished the upper, launched at Robertson ran up banged a half dozen tired summers. Picked up the cable rat, the usual wind in! Backed our way down through lower lagoon and picked up 4 or 5 more summs down there. Fattses Flats produce 2 more summs, one big buck about 14! Anchored up at Boulder run and sent one down the seam into the slow stuff and wham first winter of the year, a scrappy bullet about 6 pounds! That was it for the first day. Second day seen us launch at Somass Park and run up through Swansons, anchored just below Al's place and worked some chop water with bags and fresh skein. Nodda bloody thing with all that good bait going through. Moved up to the slate infront of Davids, and through our smorgass board of fresh coho berries and chunk! Nothin doing at Davids either!! Time to move up to the confluence and pound the hammer hole, the hole always gives up a early fresh winter and this day was no exception. A bright wild screamer of about 10 pounds danced down the stamp! Time to head up the Sproat for a poke around. The Sproat was up and moving pretty good, nothing doing in the lower portions so we decided to move up to the Sproat slick and flog some berries. Nothing doing in the way of steelies but we couldn't keep the Sproat Lake bows off the bait!! Even ran up to Waddy's to see if the Natural and the Noggin were Floggin in there favorite little pool!! Ended the day by ending Courtney's day down at Swanny's as we blew by him throwing Tim Hortons coffe cups and screaming profanities!! Helps to Have a Jet, Helps even more to have Good Bait!!!!

Pass the Pack
S.T.-man, chew your boot and enjoy your early season. This site is like throwin' chum to sharks...-dirty
what are you trying to saw dirty.....did i do or say something i shouldent have <img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> im confuessed
Not at all, just wait till Jan. to throw the days news out and about.. Tight lines..-dirty
vince gee I guess you are pretty upset then .Sorry to here that .