Stamp River

Hey guys, thought it would be nice to have a thread going about the Stamp system. I was out yesterday below the falls, water is a nice level with lots of fish around still, although nothing that looked like fresh blue chrome. Props to the guys on the airport side who were holding all there steelies by the gills for pics... I wish the bass fishermen would stay at Elk Lake. Good luck out there boys and lets see some Stamp banter like earlier in the season... anyone know what the biggest Stamp steely has been so far this year? I took about a 13 earlier in the season but mostly 6-8 lbs ...
they were nice today but a little high. Only fished for a bit had one hit and didnt see any caught. People kept insisting on fishing 15feet above me even though there was 500feet of open river above them. got sick of it and hit another little flow but no signs of fish