Stag party soon-22 guys Hali fishin on 1 boat

Osama Bin Hopper

Active Member
It's my stag on May 25. I just cannot wait it is going to be so fun!

Anyone ever done anything like this before???

I figure they'll probably end up turning the boat around at some point and bringing us back before someone falls in hahahahahaha...

I'll definitely post some pics!

Gimee the gaff!!!
It's my stag on May 25. I just cannot wait it is going to be so fun!

Anyone ever done anything like this before???

I figure they'll probably end up turning the boat around at some point and bringing us back before someone falls in hahahahahaha...

I'll definitely post some pics!

Gimee the gaff!!!
DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!
Getting married I mean!
22 guys hali fishing sounds like lots of tangled lines

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
Go get em stevehopper LOL on both parts good to meet you at the derby.

C.S. - Yep, we have the 50 foot puker extrorinaire lined up for it!!!

Over half of them are from the praries so the vomit should be flowing fast and furious. One beer in - one beer out.

Wolf - Great meeting you too! I had a riot down there.

Thanks for the congrats... (and the ominous warning...)

Gimee the gaff!!!
Gonna be a hoot jeff.We are so looking forward to it