Stacking with a atomic plug...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm heading out tomorrow and am thinking about stacking two tomics on the one side. A dummy flasher on the ball and a 6" on the bottom 20' back. Then up 20' add a 5" 20 feet back. You see any issues with this setup? Will be probably out at Kitty Coleman. Any tips would be welcome! If you think that two might not work do you think a flasher hoochie on the top would be better?


I usually would run a flasher and hoochy on the bottom line fairly close to the ball. Top line Tomic plug further back from the pin. Give the plugs a bit of leash to wander back and forth. 35 to 50 feet behind the clip. That's just me, lots of guys do things differently.
no issues with that but i personally wouldn't bother with the dummy flasher, I've never ran a dummy and do very well with plugs on there own
I tend to agree with scar tissue about not bothering with a dummy flasher. You might as well have a hoochy and flasher on the bottom line if you want some extra attraction. That's just one more chance at hooking a fish, and it throws the attraction to the other lines in the water. You can always use a mini flasher with the hoochie if you don't want a lot of extra drag on the lines. Just my opinion.
No that makes sense. I'll use a Tubby which will work better at the slower speeds. Do you think it's too early for 6" Tubby's? Fish are showing up in the upper teens recently outside of Pacific Playgrounds. On another note how do the RVPii plugs vary from the UVBii. I have the UVBii plugs ( UV Body iridescent insert).
Im not experienced with fishing plugs but i dont see why the 6" plugs wouldnt work. I have seen huge bait in the stomachs of some fish recently. Like 7 inch herring.