SSS swim counts offical # 's ??

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Just wondering what the official swim count from the falls to the bucket and below was ??? not in the loop this year [:I]
The last few years have held 800 - 1000 ~~ this year ???
70% in the falls pool hmm?
where???? the water is so low you can see them
just passin on what i heard.....which was sat. last weekend....
Oh man that's like borderline endangered! The Squamish gets a 100 count and it's considered just that! I'm surprised they haven't closed it if that is the case.

Forget stely's for this year [xx(]

saltwater fishing is good or more consistant anyways
Amazing it could go from a banner year like last year, to a run of 100 fish?? Something is up; especially when you consider that many of the other west coast runs (Gold, SJ, etc.) are relatively healthy this year? Very strange, we're missing like 900 fish at least...
yea it's kinda wierd. but theres those stupid seals at the bridge everyday. and that stupid indian thing they built is all lit up and steelhead come in on the top of the water. so that could be the factor too. the seals can see them a mile aay in that light.
quote:Originally posted by Blackleech

Amazing it could go from a banner year like last year, to a run of 100 fish?? Something is up; especially when you consider that many of the other west coast runs (Gold, SJ, etc.) are relatively healthy this year? Very strange, we're missing like 900 fish at least...

It sounds like steelhead numbers are down all over the province. Now I won't disregard that the stamp usually holds it own while other rivers suffer. Seems very strange that the stamp is this bad. I think that it's an ocean servival problem coast wide this year. Very strange to go from bumper runs one year to dismal near extintion the next. The bright lights on the river at night + a seal problem should be looked at as well. It's proven fact that they will use this to their advantage. Look at the puntledge, those seals have trained generations of young to hunt under the street lights. Also, being such a low water year, seals would likely have a greater impact than usual. Some of you Alberni folks should sit on the bridge at night and watch for it happening. If in fact it is a problem, contact MOE, local CO, the band ect...ASAP. Otherwise, the lights will stay on. Afterall the building does look sharp at night! The problem in the puntledge extends far beyond adult fish, they have learned to hunt smolts and even tiny balls of chum fry as they head out at night!!! They figure the seals eat almost as many chum fry as the total produced by the hatchery!!!!!
Just need every boat on the water to take out one seal each[:0]

I wonder what it the number of fish the seal population eats around Vancouver Island [?]
Looks like seals are a problem for fisheries all over the world, but lobbyists have done an excellent job making sure that seals continue to be protected. Check out this bleeding heart website "Seal Conservation Society":

It's amazing how these 'environmentalists' will stop at nothing to protect animals that are cute and cuddly, but don't give a rat's a$$ about fish, insects, etc. even though they are the critical building blocks of the ecosystem. The ironic thing is that if salmon runs continue to decline, which they will, we will eventually lose the cute and cuddly 'environmental celebrities' like the seals, grizzlies, and orcas that depend on salmon for food.

On a different note, anyone know what the penalty is for killing a seal in BC? This website claims that an Australian was fined $30 000 for killing a seal, funny how killing a salmon out of season only costs a couple hundred at most... I swear to god if I see seals in the upper SJ again this fall I will deal with them myself [}:)]

I think you will start seeing a lot more fisherman taking some action soon ( I HOpe) Who know what the penalty is that is a good question on the penalty

I cant honestly say I know one fisherman that would dislike the idea

Populations are very healthy and largely increasing each year
whats a few dead seals to control population ??? or only problem seals
Let me know if you want a hand with the seals LOL
although this is getting off topic of this thread
sorry [:0]
This past fall, on a few occasions, I personally witnessed at least 5 seals chowing down on salmon right in</u> the Sooke river. It was really pissing me off. There was one spot where there was a log across the river, the seals couldn't swim under it so they were climbing over it. The fish didn't stand a chance, cornered in small, shallow pools.:( I talked to a DFO person about it, there is nothing they can do (so I was told).

I would have gladly taken out all 5 of those seals and felt zero</u> remorse.
Perhaps a bounty might work. I believe our native brothers can shoot them for food (or fun). A few more transient orca, like the ones hitting seals off Hornby Island last summer would suit me just fine.[:p]