Sprite Can in Prawn Trap better results?


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine is an avid prawn fisherman and he swares having an empty Sprite can makes a difference when prawning. Maybe it causes rattle in the trap or maybe it's the metallic finish. Anyone else had any experience or heard this?
bizarre,,i found any movement in traps causes less catch...sprite can? not lucky?
Ha Not sure, he uses a Sprite can if there is as much metallic finish comparable to the Sprite I would imagine so. He swares by it, I was a little suspect but he has no reason to BS about it. Any doubters I would recommend putting a can with the bait in half your traps and just bait in the others see which traps fish better I think you maybe surprised with the results.
my question is always when i hear stuff like that, how the hell to people come across thinking that will work? Hmm lets just toss this can in here since we arent catching anything!. hahahaha

Im not saying it wont work, and ill probably try it! Just blows me away sometimes.
Commercial crabbers have used that trick for years, i'd go Lucky myself. Must b something to do with electrolysis in the stainless traps?