Spring Boat Cleaning

I am doing the big clean. I have an Aluminum hull without paint.
What is a good product or technique to remove

1. green slime stain at water line.

2. white barnacle residue on hull.

3. seal hull once above finished

quote:Originally posted by striperjack

westmarine has a product called rustremover in a spraybottle and westmaring brand.....that stuff works awesome, cleaned the rust stains off of my rails and got my pliers working agian:) way better than that CLR crap
its the same as starbrite

Amen brother, this stuff is AMAZING. I have a bottle on my boat at all times. Spray on, leave 5 minutes, wash off...just that easy and it works.

I also use an industrial cleaner called Zepp Industrial Purple Cleaner, and it is great for cleaning any non slip surface. We spray it on, scrub off with regular wash brush and rinse off. You can get it at Home Depot, here is the link:


Anyone got a good product for cleaning aluminum super structure for a hard top?


For stainless, glass and everything else...VIM cleaner..it goes on sale for $2.99 a bottle all year. Great stuff and cheap. I use the lemon as it cuts fish smell in the cabin. Nothing works better than bleach in the fish hold if it gets skanky.
just bought 10 jugs today at London drugs, 2 for $5.00
You have to be careful what you clean vinyl windows with . If you use a waterbased soap like windex you will dry out the vinyl. I was told and now use .... furniture polish. The oils in the furniture polish stops the vinyl from drying out. Try it... you will notice how soft and clear the vinyl windows become.
I have always used the boat soap from West Marine. Use it top to bottom on the boat. After it is rinsed well and dries, I use 303 on all fabric INCLUDING the clear vinyl windows (it is safe for use). Helps prevent fading/yellowing, cracking, and prevents salt deposits. I am in no way associated with the product as this sounds like a commercial...I just like the stuff.
The experts state bleach is hard on the gelcoat & fiberglass ,it shoud be deluted in1/2 with water & applied to bottom below water line on growth then rinsed after a short while . note: bleach is hard on the enviroment care should be taken when & where applying!
Anyone got a good product for cleaning aluminum super structure for a hard top?

Yes the polish I use is called Adams Polish, Look them up on the net. My boat is mirror polished aluminum. Have not found a easier polish to use, virtually arm friendly. I know the distributor he is in Coquitlam. Pm me and I will give you his number is interested.