Spread between downrigger ball depths ideas?

dance a jig

Active Member
I typically fish one downrigger at a depth where I see the fish on my sounder, and the other maybe 11' apart, ie. if I see fish at 33', I set the other ball at either 22' or 44'. I understand some like to increase the spread to 20' or more, and others run two balls at the same depth the see fish.

Accordingly I invite those who have an opinion on this and success, to weigh in what works best and why they think so. thanks. DAJ
i typically run a 30 ft spread with 15 lb balls, then have one ball 15 ft below the other.
If no marks or bait, one high one low changing at 20 ft intervals every 20 minutes.
If good marks or a hit then I focus in within 10 ft with both riggers using similar or same rigs that got the action.
Ball weight depends on depth fishing at. 10# or less down to 75 feet. But if I am fishing where i may go deeper, I put on a 15# to avoid changing balls during fishing.

If searching for fish, I spread the depth 25 - 50 feet. Once fish are found, 1 stays at that depth. Based on catch rate, I drop the second down deep with a plug lunker/hali hunting. I don't need/want to limit the boat out; more after fewer quality fish. I'd rather have one 25+ than four 15's any day.