Sooke winters............. ya bums

Sure Sean as I know you dont have a boat.Dan the wire????
Sunday jan 2nd may be an option as if you anyone who did go out and get blasted will be recouped by then,me personally ill be in bed by 10 on new yrs LOL and thats pushing it LOL
And thats a good date as ill be in the fric and frac and thats usually around the 10,11 weekend you guys could launch from jocks dock????you will have lots of water I looked at 7 am its 8.5 ft and at 1 am (closing????) its 9.5 ft so a good incoming tide too!!!!!!
then off to buffy which is ohhhhhh maybe 1 min away LOL.
What do you guys sooke guys think?????

It Rocks

You never know I might have a ride to challenge some others.... We are gonna have to start calling you Lippyripper(or is that the beer) Dan. I also will spit up some money(or a prize):) for a good cause even if I don't go. I won't be fishing bait but if someone wants to drop it 120-140ft and miss a bite go ahead..Yuk yuk
Ps Best tasting fish of the year@christmas/newyears
I say anything goes which is legal I want to fish the way i like to fish that one derby which restricted you to the way you fish REALLY sucked I mean REALLY sucked and that was for a lot more money that this LOL LOL.
What does everyone think of that date???
Sammy..the boat is out of the water but not decommissioned. I still fish the rare winter day...hopefully only the calm and mild ones. I sleep better through winter storms with the boat right outside my bedroom window in the driveway. It also seems that every winter I hear the same stories of downriggers and kickers walking from the boats still in the water. I have a charter on the 2nd so I'll be out there but won't be able to help top up the pot. Maybe Buffy's later.
If it's a 1-day'er, then Jan 2 works for me.

I'd also consider a multi day ... like have it open from Dec 24-Jan 2, with the closing "ceremony" at Buffy's on Jan 2 afternoon. That way we don't get screwed over if the weather sucks on Jan 2. Plus many people are in holidays during that time, and the family obligations are over ... fish as many or as few days you like in the contest period.

For weigh-in, maybe we could talk Eagle Eye into letting us use them as weigh-in station, just for somewhere central.

I vote for no gear or location restrictions, do whatever works. Entry should be $20 per person, not $10, to make it interesting. How about 50% to charity (SSES? JDF? Or winner chooses?), then 40% to winner, 10% to 2nd place.

Payment required IN ADVANCE ONLY, NO EXCEPTIONS! Who do we trust to hold the $$? Maybe we can leave an envelope at Eagle Eye and they'd hold it for us? Also I have a paypal account that can allow online credit card payments, if that helps make it easier for people to join in.

SFBC members only, or open it up wider? Find some draw prizes too? Or maybe over-complicating this... ;-)

Good times!
Figures that you would pic the one day that I can't fish Roy! (Scared of the Seaweed? :)) Gonna be in Seattle watchin the Hawks lose the last game of the season.... Any other day and I'll be in with Luna and Dirty Oar!
I'm in.
Just let me know the date sooner than later and I'll be there.
One day event, sun rise to 1300hrs.
Say $100 per boat?
Winner take 75% and 25% goes to a hatchery?

Who will be collecting the funds and managing the weigh in?
Doug I think the hundred was to rich for them at X-Mas time. Only us super wealthy fishing guides can afford that kind of money. At least the ones that still have their first wives and who work at good paying jobs. LOL
I agree $100 is too much, special after those two engines I just put on my boat and the two macerator and the new radio and the new horn...............

I'll be fishing on a friends boat, I cannot afford gas.

Say $30 per boat??
I'll be working to pay off the bills. You guys have fun!!!
1st Annual Boxing Day Derby
Starts at 8am and finishes at 1pm
At Jocks Dock and the Crab Shack in Sooke
$20 per person with the winner taking the pot!
Youth prizes...
Please bring a nonperishable item for the local food bank.
Any questions...give me a call - Paul 250 220 0295

There it is................
Ill be bringing my youngest.....(who asked while we were tying a fly the other day....."How old do I have to be to come out fishing?"....... Ummmmm... now! He is prolly my best fishing bud... always wants to go, and does.....
..And he isn't weighing in nothing he doesn't catch! :D.

Be bringing a bag o' food for the bank too.... This is what I was talking 'bout.... will be fun :o

I think I'll have left overs for lunch.....
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