Sooke 2013 Fishing Reports

Yes about 1/2 way between beechy head and Donaldson Island(Secretary Island)
Fished possession/bluffs last night. 5-8:30 ish. Chovy on one side, glow/green squirt on the other. 110ft to 40 ft. Nothing for me, didn't notice any nets waving around with 1/2 dozen boats around. 'thinking I should of gone west....
NOPE its slow everywhere unless your fishflyguy
View attachment 7588Fished 10-2. Trailer park to Muir. Got busy about 11:30 @ Muir. First one in the boat on choive, Army Truck flasher and head. Just got reset and a second hit choive, Silver Red strip flasher on a Bloody nose head. Got that in the boat and Army Truck went off again. Lost it, re-geared and drop. About 15 mins later Silver Red strip flasher went off, lost that as well. All in 120'-150' at 60ish on the down riggers. Another hour and nothing so packed it in. Also managed to lose 2 cannon balls!!! My stops keep slipping on the braid; going to read other threads on what is wrong!!!! Not huge fish but the first of the season so all in all great day!

I suspect the lower fish in the photo is a Columbia river hatchery? Very different shape than the wild. Thanks.

Im not sure as the pics are not great. Those fish to me look like Coho's

Anyone else?

And Wolfie a little birdie must have tweeted in your ear that ive been slaying them! Got 7 yeaterday up to 23 and 9 on friday up to 25 pounds.

Im not sure as the pics are not great. Those fish to me look like Coho's

Anyone else?

And Wolfie a little birdie must have tweeted in your ear that ive been slaying them! Got 7 yeaterday up to 23 and 9 on friday up to 25 pounds.


Those are definetly coho, top ones a wild, bottom ones a hatch, was about to post the same thing, people need to educate themselves on identifying there catch,

Was out today and released 3 wild cohos at otter/ muir saw a lot of others caught aswell...
KK, that's awesome. I put in nearly 10 hours on Saturday without a sniff. I obviously need to get dialed in a bit more.....
Yup Coho's... and the wild Coho is illegal they don't open till Oct 1'st... I'd remove the pic before DFO sees it on an open forum....
Here's some links to educate your self..

View attachment 7588Fished 10-2. Trailer park to Muir. Got busy about 11:30 @ Muir. First one in the boat on choive, Army Truck flasher and head. Just got reset and a second hit choive, Silver Red strip flasher on a Bloody nose head. Got that in the boat and Army Truck went off again. Lost it, re-geared and drop. About 15 mins later Silver Red strip flasher went off, lost that as well. All in 120'-150' at 60ish on the down riggers. Another hour and nothing so packed it in. Also managed to lose 2 cannon balls!!! My stops keep slipping on the braid; going to read other threads on what is wrong!!!! Not huge fish but the first of the season so all in all great day!

I suspect the lower fish in the photo is a Columbia river hatchery? Very different shape than the wild. Thanks.
And Wolfie a little birdie must have tweeted in your ear that ive been slaying them! Got 7 yeaterday up to 23 and 9 on friday up to 25 pounds.


Unbelievable KK!! Given the relatively few number of years I have left on this planet, even if I fish 100 days a year from now on, I will never be able to emulate catches like that. Totally are THE MAN, even if you don't win the Derby (and maybe you will win that too!!)
Fished the morning out front and we had 8 chinook up to the boat and kept 4 - Two around 8lbs and two mid teens. One of the teens was a handful as it managed to get the line tied up around the transducer and we thought it was under the boat and could not budge it. Eventually we say the flasher down a few feet off to the side and we turned into it and it swam close enough that an extended boat hook grabbed the line and got it within netting range then cut the line at the flasher and got it free from the transducer. Again all caught on plastic. Also got a good Ling off the outer Secretary Reef in the mid 70 cm's at 140 feet. Rather bumpy out there today.
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Fished Saturday from 6 am till 2:30 pm. Sheringham to Point no Point. Beautiful day but fishing was slow.
Lots of fish marking and lots of bait in the water. Kept waiting and waiting for bite to come on. Only saw 3 fish caught.
Finally picked up a 10lb hatch at 2:30 at Sheringham.

Fished Sunday from 5:30-noon. Trap Shack. Landed 2 out of 4 fish on. 14lb hatch, 18lb wild. All on spoons. Maybe should have tried spoons on Saturday?
Nothing on bait Sunday.

Sunday I know of a 30lb + released and saw a 33.3lb on the scale at Cheanuh (wild but caught by a Beecher Bay Band member)

Picked up some good prizes in the derby.

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Fished 4:30am until 9:45am today 5 springs up to 16 pounds. fish were all from 58-104ft. Dummys and spoons! This is starting to become more and more fun everytime I try it. Might just keep running my dummy and no flasher on mainline the rest of the year see how it works with bait.

Fished 4:30am until 9:45am today 5 springs up to 16 pounds. fish were all from 58-104ft. Dummys and spoons! This is starting to become more and more fun everytime I try it. Might just keep running my dummy and no flasher on mainline the rest of the year see how it works with bait.


Are you using the Kone zone for a dummy or just a regular flasher?
Im running a purple haze hotspot on 8 ft of 75 pound mono with a quick release downrigger clip right at the ball.

THen I run my spoon 6 ft up and 16 ft back or 25 ft back if im fishing in the top 30 ft of water.

Im running a purple haze hotspot on 8 ft of 75 pound mono with a quick release downrigger clip right at the ball.

THen I run my spoon 6 ft up and 16 ft back or 25 ft back if im fishing in the top 30 ft of water.


Awsome, definetly trying this! Thanks for the reports, good job out there!
Whales went through early this morning heading east. Managed a 15 pound spring and lost another in the first hour. Then hit into some Coho and was able to land one hatch. Didn't see any other decent springs taken at Otter. We packed it in at noon. Nice day again, warm and calm.
Sooke July or Sept?

I have either the first week of July or the first week of Sept to book a fishing trip and I was thinking of Sooke since I have fished there before some time ago.
I know there is a size restriction on now until mid July?

How is the fishing first week of Sept? What should I expect to be catching? Are there still springs around?

Are there Halibut still available at this time or is it closed or slow by then?

Thank you any info is much appreciated!
I have either the first week of July or the first week of Sept to book a fishing trip and I was thinking of Sooke since I have fished there before some time ago.
I know there is a size restriction on now until mid July?

How is the fishing first week of Sept? What should I expect to be catching? Are there still springs around?

Are there Halibut still available at this time or is it closed or slow by then?

Thank you any info is much appreciated!

Restrictions on chinooks until July 19th in Sooke waters.
Last Sept 2012, my buddies and I did very well catching hatchery
Coho and one buddy caught a nice spring in mid-sept.

Wild coho and large wild chinooks must be released until
DFO s notice being posted eventually
Restrictions on wild Chinook end on July 19th, maybe sooner if Albion Test Fishery indicates runs are stronger than anticipated. First week of September there are Chinook from both the Sooke and Harrison River in the area. There will still be some pinks and he odd Coho will be starting to show up. Halibut sesson ends when the quota is caught. When that is only DFO knows.