Some one to take us out july 25th

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sugar Magnolia
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Sugar Magnolia

My cousin and wife are comming over to the island for a week in july.We are looking for some one to take us out fishing for the day july 25th,We will pay for gas and bevies,Anytakers?????
Well in a month i will be living in sooke,Preferably sooke,parksville,cambell river areas.
if your in sooke, i am sure it wont be a problem, i am not sure of my work schedule as of yet, but i am down one of my fishing buddys so I might be in the market for a new one, especially one who enjoys the odd lager[^]
Hey,Count me in.:DIll be new to the area and dont know anybody there.
Hey if Sean cant make it,I can take you out,I wont drink Lucky's though.Just e mail me.We may be fishing in Sooke or Renfrew.DAN
quote:Originally posted by danthewire

Hey if Sean cant make it,I can take you out,I wont drink Lucky's though.

Dan my man, you are missing out on one of the finest beverages once
brewed on vanc island!!!:D
Hmmmm.....I used to drink that stuff with my buddys from Langford I'm sure that's what always got us in trouble.DAN
Thank you kindly for the offers guys,Much appreciated.....I will be moving to sooke on monday and will be with out a puter for a while,I will be staying at the manuel quimper motel until june 1st then in to an apartment,So the puter wont be hooked up until after the first,,,Dan here is my e mail addy,,,
Sounds way cheaper than booking a charter.
Why didn't I think of this!
Are cheques a problem?
We can drink our fair share of beer to,Just ask Ironnoggin.:D