SOLD SOLD SOLD! Double Eagle 176 w/ LOW HOUR Yamahas

I honestly don’t understand.

The difficult thing is near the top of the list are a couple of guys who need to take a ferry and I need to give them time to sort out their schedule. Can only do one showing per day and on weekends really so it’s a little slower of a process than selling a car.
I figure the first on the list guy will take it on Saturday because IMO it’s a legit fishing machine at a fair price.
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This weekend looks likely. a solid lineup of sincere interest is how I would describe it
Read it again.

Sounds like the early years in high school. Come on man!

Anyways I've steered this ship way off course. Sorry.
Congrats man on the quick sell. You're taking care of priorities and that's very commendable. I'm sure your family appreciates that. I'm also sure you'll be back out on the salt chuck again when the time is right.
I think selling your boat just to get me to take you in Rogue One is a bit extreme? Lol Congrats on the sale and your next plans whatever they are....
Thanks! The next one may just be “Rogue Two”.

Thanks for all of you great guys inviting me out on your boats. (Not to mention the dude who’s offered me a free 15.5’ boat!) Really an amazing community we have here!
I could fish more than I ever did as a boat owner. Now I just need to spend my entire sale price on bait packs and beer!
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I sold more than a few boats in my early years to take care of business at home.There was buying the first house,needing a new vehicle,kids need braces etc.etc.. It was always hard and I still remember the feeling of watching it go,but time heals all pains and you'll be looking for your next boat before you know it.
I sold a nice 17'6" boat once out of necessity for a new vehicle. It was tough. I had a hard look at my fishing requirements, fishing is in my core and I can't live without it. I decided on a nice new to me 14 foot tinny which is sufficient for my saltwater needs. It's been great, in fact... I love that boat and won't go back to a bigger rig. So cheap to run, dead simple to maintain, it scratches my need to "fish itch" very nicely, much better than I had imagined.

If you can do it, @Stizzla, perhaps consider a rig like that as replacement. I've had mine for 10 years now and have no desire for a bigger boat. :-) The 14 foot tinny is very versatile. Pick your days you can easily fish around Victoria with it. Also good for places like Cowichan lake, Elk lake..... Lots of options.

Obviously you won't be going offshore or fishing when the weather is ****** but, IMO, the 14 foot tinny is the most versatile Vancouver Island boat there is.