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We're heading back to Bamfield in two weeks. What specific tactics and gear do you all recommend for sockeye?
Sockeye salmon are closed offshore at this time. So far it looks as if the Fraser sockeye run has pretty much disappeared this season :( and there may be no sport fishery at all.
And the few that made it back this season on the Fraser are getting wiped out by the natives!
I was just on the 10am B.C ferry out from Tsawassen heading to Victoria. On the ferry I look down the coast line towards the Fraser river.. and there are COMMERCIAL SEINE OR GILL NET BOATS EVERY WHERE DOWN THE COAST!!! all setting out there nets!!! All down the coast as far as the eye could see are Red seine or gill nets floats littering the coast line!!!! Knowing the Sockeye run being as bad as it is.. seeing this make me SICK to my stomach! Commercial sockeye are closed from what I know... must be the Natives seinnning/gill netting out there...?? was VERY disturbing to see all the nets all down the coast... [V]
Therock, the commercial natives have had an opening for the last few days. From above the Thompson all the way to the mouth there are nets. Remember with all the big boats and nets it is all for a 'food fishery'. Just remember you can buy these fish on the Freeway filleted or whole. In 4 years time from this run there will be almost no fish. Thank god that DFO gave them this opening or the natives might starve or die of thirst.....[:0][:0]!!!!
And remember, you can buy these fish for 5 bucks a piece, so why spend the money on fuel when you can help destroy a complete breed of fish with the thought that """its only a couple of fish""""" bulls*it---no fishing should mean all people, race,color or religion.

DFO you do a great job as our federal goverment [}:)]
Sometimes you have to wonder whether to sit back and watch the stupidity or to say the hell with it and go catch fish.The sockeye are doomed anyway, why don't we band together and fish beside the natives?
i think it needs to be pointed out here gentlemen that DFO has specific guidelines in terms of priority access to fishing sockeye and natives are the first ones on the list. All other fisheries for sockeye take a lower stand to FN FSC (Food Social ceremonial) fisheries. That is essentially the translation that DFO has come up with based on the Sparrow court decision. Is it fair? Good question. but regardless of the fairness, this IS the way that DFO will manage the fishery.

The Sparrow decision has basically deemed that fish are property the same as land and that the FN's get first crack at them over all others for the "FSC" requirements. The fact that they then turn around and sell these fish for 5 or 10 bucks, although illegal, is immaterial to the way that DFO mandates this fishery. [B)]

I hate to be the bearer of the truth (cause sometimes it hurts) but that is the way that the courts and our wonderful Ottawa bureaucrats are playing this game. Want to change this? Well so do a lot of other anglers, but that is just a drop in the bucket compared to the general public who sees this decision as fair. [xx(]

If you want it changed and many believe it is a race based commercial fishery, then you would need to get involved in politics and lobby for those changes. Unfortunately most us (myself included) just prefer to b*tch about it on web forums;)
How about a good conspiracy theory:

DFO will continue to facilitate the decimation and eventual extinction of our Pacific fish stocks to allow the future extraction of offshore oil without environmental regulation hindrances. The power and influence of the oil companies runs deep in all branches of government and they are constantly planning for the future. DFO is only following instructions. Resistance is futile.

East Coast Example: Hibernia

Hibernia is the name of a petroleum field located in the North Atlantic Ocean, approximately 315 kilometres southeast of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. The production platform Hibernia is the world's largest oil platform and consists of a 37,000 t integrated topsides facility mounted on a 600,000 t gravity base structure. The platform was towed to its final site and 450,000 t of solid ballast was added to secure it in place. Inside the gravity base structure are storage tanks for 1.3 million bbl of crude oil.
wow i heard the same conspiracy theory from my gf's mom, who is very smart, but kind of an anti-establishment hippy sort of person so i just sort of joked about the whole thing. however, as far fetched as it sounds, money governs much more than most of us would like to believe and there is more short term money in oil soooooo.... a little scary anyways.
Well yes, it is a little scary...

The Grand Banks were once one of the world's largest and richest resource areas, renowned for valuable and immense fish stocks. Upon discovery in the 1400's, it was recorded that the fish were so thick they slowed the passage of boats.

The fish are gone and now we have hibernia.
Native Food Fishery. I have never smelled salmon on a First Nations breath.

The first Nations consider themseleve stuards of the land yet they wont listen to the reports that these salmon runs are in a serious state. But they keep on fishing in there sporting, traditional ways of using outoard motors and large nets.

It is very frustrating to sit back and watch.

What ever happened to the hay bail up stream trick?
Yammy5 I like where you're coming from.

When Campbell first took power they brought in Albertas conservative financial experts to do some planning for them and I'd be willing to bet those offshore reserves were part of it.

Have we not seen the results of the "new" logging rules? LImited to no access to OUR backcountry. Next to nil riparian zones that blow down within a couple of years?

Definitely part of a master plan my friend. Fish are wort phuk all compared to trees and oil.