Sockeye Salmon in decline...

If this is about the Alberni run of sockeye firstly they are not in decliclne as reports have them spawning atop each other. And this run is a result of the sweetening of their habitat in the 50ties. The historical run before this enhancement was very small. So what we are able to fish now is all gravy.
If this is about the Alberni run of sockeye firstly they are not in decliclne as reports have them spawning atop each other. And this run is a result of the sweetening of their habitat in the 50ties. The historical run before this enhancement was very small. So what we are able to fish now is all gravy.

If you read the original post, there is a link to an article that tells you what were talking about here.
Got it, clearly there is way too much pressure on these fish from all sides, which is sadly worldwide in all waters. Overharvesting of the pelagic food the sockeye feed on, disease from everything we dump into the sea, habitat degredation, and not letting enough of the remaining fish spawn each cycle are the obvious problems. And I'm not big on fish farms either.