Sockeye Opening?

Fishery Notice

Category(s): ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll

Subject: FN0732-Salmon: Sockeye - Areas 11-29- Fraser River Sockeye Update August 14, 2012


Amendment to FN 0731 - The following is the corrected information: At the
meeting August 14th the Summer-run sockeye run size estimate was decreased from
1,585,000 to 1,300,000. 50% run timing date is estimated at August 2nd. See
below for the complete update.

There are no planned commercial or recreational sockeye fisheries at this
time. First Nations food, social and ceremonial fisheries for sockeye are
underway in all areas. Fisheries may be restricted due to constraints on Late-
run stocks. Fishers are requested to check for opening times and any
restrictions in their local areas. Additional information will be made via
Fisheries Notice August 17th.

An update from the August 14th Fraser River Panel meeting follows:

The Fraser River Panel met today to review assessment data on Fraser River
sockeye salmon, plan fisheries and discuss sockeye migration conditions in the
Fraser River watershed. The marine migration of Fraser sockeye has continued
to decline over the past several days. DNA analyses indicate that the stock
composition of Fraser River sockeye in the marine approach routes is currently
approximately 2% Early Summer-run, 69% Summer-run, and 29% Late-run sockeye.
The recent 3 day average diversion rate of Fraser River sockeye through
Johnstone Strait is estimated at 31%. Estimates of sockeye passage in the
Fraser River past the Mission hydroacoustic site have been in the 40-50,000
range the last several days.

The run size estimate for Early Summer-run sockeye was unchanged to 550,000
fish at the meeting today. The estimated escapement of Early Summer-run sockeye
past Mission through August 13 is 488,000 fish.

At the meeting August 14th the Summer-run sockeye run size estimate was
decreased from 1,585,000 to 1,300,000. 50% run timing date is estimated at
August 2nd. DNA analyses indicate that Chilko sockeye are continuing to
contribute a large portion of the Summer-run sockeye abundance migrating
through marine assessment areas. The estimated escapement of Summer-run sockeye
past Mission through August 13 is 765,000 fish.

At the meeting today the Late-run sockeye run size was unchanged at 200,000. A
large portion of the Late-run sockeye return this season is expected to be
comprised of five year old Birkenhead and Weaver sockeye and assessments
conducted to-date are consistent with this expectation. The estimated
escapement of Late-run sockeye past Mission through August 13 is 139,000 fish.

On August 13 the discharge of the Fraser River at Hope was approximately 4,500
cms, which is approximately 19% above average for this date. The temperature of
the Fraser River at Qualark Creek on August 13 was 18.9 0 C, which is 1.1 0C
higher than average for this date. The Panel manages fisheries to provide
additional Fraser sockeye above the spawning escapement targets through
application of management adjustments. The management adjustments help ensure
that the escapement targets are met, which off-sets en route mortality and
other factors that could affect meeting spawning escapement targets. The Panel
adopted a management adjustment of 0.09 for the Summer-run.

Total catch to date in all fisheries is approximately 323,000. Total escapement
into the river to date is approximately 1,469,000 sockeye. Total in-season run
size is approximately 2,230,000.

The next in-season meeting of the Fraser Panel is scheduled for Friday August
17, 2012.
Yeah, like Gamechanger said. I saw on the news last night returns are about two million, so no sport or commercial openings are expected.
