So lets rally the legislature!


Active Member
OK, so who is up for a rally then. Enough f#$%'kn around here. Lets take a few of our politicians and start by rubbing their noses in this S#$%^t they refer to as politics.

I am so done with this crap. I am serious guys.

Lets make a date and meet up at the legislative stairs.


If there is enough interest here , I would think we could put together some pretty heavyweight alliances. Our fishery deserves this utmost attention before it is too late. We don't need a bunch of howling rednecks though. What we need is a well thought out plan that directs attention to matters at hand. Something and anything will only be acheived so long as there is a descisive plan that we all can agree upon. We need to hit this with some serious force.


Lets get something rolling here.

Come to think of it, what the hell would be our opening statement. A movement like this is a monumental task. There are so many implications as to the culprit when it comes to our declining stocks.

Where would we begin?

.......and so the decline continues.

Guess something like this really does have to start somewhere though.

We just have to assemble. Greater things can be acheived in numbers.

What do you all think?

Plenty of us are feeling the pace out there. It is getting tougher and tougher every season, and that goes for all fisheries across the board.
Well they can start by putting some money back into hatchery programs instead of cutting back like they have been doing. The Nanaimo River hatchery hasn't had a budget increase in over 17 years and have been told to cut programs to save money.[B)]
I'm not sure, but I think DFO is Federal, while the "legislature" is provincial.

So, maybe "rally parliament" (?). Ottawa's a long way to go.

OR, you could rally the legislature to try to force parliament to cede control to the legislature.

Fishin' anywhere anytime for anything
Howdy Highlights,

As one who totally concurs with your obvious frustration, I just wanted to let you know that I too have thought about 'what-to-do?' concerning rallying sportfishermen/commercial-fishermen/FN to 'pound on the doors of parlament' both here and in Ottawa.

If it was done right - with ample media coverage and notification to the masses to ensure huge participation - it could be real effective, and should best be timed to happen before the next provincial election. Campbell and the rest of his wham-o's need to exposed to all for his support of the net-pen fishfarming business.

If the Wild Salmon Alliance was to get involved in such a thing, I would vote that the focus of the initiative be aimed at Campbell and the DFO and their continued support of fishfarming as well as their blatant disregard for the overall welfare of our Wild Pacific Salmon.

For what it's worth, this is what I've been chewing on of late.

This would be a non-violent - two pronged - civil disobedience action.

1) The Wild Salmon March: Starting at noon on a predetermined day, invite all - men, women, children, commercials/sporty's/First Nations - to march (with fishing rods in hand) from Wal Mart down Douglas to the Legislature. There, we could arrange for guest-speakers to address the crowd/media. Dr. John Volpe/Alexandra Morton/Rafe Mair/First Nations leaders etc.

2) Fishermans Blockade of Inner-Harbor: Starting at noon also on the same day as the March For Salmon, organize (hopefully a few hundred) as many sportfishing/commercial-fishing vessels/FN Canoes to drop anchor in the Inner-Harbor in the path of both sea-plane and ferry traffic. This action could be held for two to four hours; long enough to make sure the TV crews get it on the national news. (Side note: rod-holders would be great for holding up a couple of wood poles with a huge placard strung between... 'Stop the fishfarms!'... 'Campbell's got brain-leakage!'... 'Wild! Not farmed!'... etc.)

My only concern about organizing such an event is how well it would be attended. Many ***** about stuff then sit on their asses when called to help do something about it. Years ago, when Alan Rock and the Liberals decided to shove gun-control (Bill C-68) up our asses, everyone 'talked' about how pissed they were about it; a protest rally was organized. I tried to help by handing out leaflets at the pub I worked at.

Short version: 200 or less showed up on lawn at the legislature.
Now we have gun-control at a cost of what? $2-billion or so... and how many lives have been saved?

Standing for Wild Salmon,
Terry Anderson

Wild Salmon Alliance
Sorry but in my experience with politicians, a rally would be as
productive as a fart in a windstorm.
It may get a little press, and then dry up.
The Gov't can't save the wild salmon, and neither can we unless
all user groups simply stop fishing for a period of time.
Painful ,but true.
The hatchery programs need to be expanded 10 fold...
At least then there will be a chance for salmon in the future.

Highlights,I feel your frustration. We need to be SEEN and HEARD.If we sit back and point fingers at various groups and don't take action{it's going to take sacrifice too whether we like it or not}ourselves,then were just like them, heads on backwards and stuffed up their asses! Sign me up!
I worked with transport Canada. S$%%^t would hit the fan if the Inner harbour was shut down and prevented air traffic from it's usual movements. Even out of fairness and safety, if the media was given notice, the inconvenience of cancellations and re-bookings would be a blast to the morale of our city. Even if only for one day.

Victoria being what it is to Canada, the nation would notice if numbers in attendance was large enough.

Like I said before Craven; it's gotta start somewhere. Even if it is only as effective as a fart in the wind. What would be the practical alternative? Sit and watch our stocks decline further.

Problem is that everyone beleives the problem is too great. They beleive that no ONE person can do anything. You are correct in saying so. However if everyone concerned banded together it would have effect. How much is unclear but at least we can say we tried while there was a chance.

Do you realize that all the user groups have extremely powerful people.

Just think

Lodges and guides
Construction companies
retired engineers
Native Band leaders
hockey players
news casters
seine operators
multinational purchasers

This is a list of seriously talented and concerned individuals. It could go on forever. These are the people who would know how to make things happen.

Come on, we can't give up that easily guys. Look what has happened to the East coast cod fishery. You want to wait till the media picks us up looking like deer in the headlights? I 'd rather jam my face into their lenses now and show them how I feel first.
So wattcha going to protest and where? -- DFO mismanagement? Well-thats DFO office on the mainland or Ottawa. Slowly killing hatchery programs?? Yup- same thing.

Habitat destruction? thats mostly ineffective enforcement and monitoring caused by too few staff... try Vancouver/Ottawa for that!

No place in the Water Act for minimum fish flows??? Finally one that can be nailed to the Province... and the other, of course, fish farms.

Lots of blame to go around-- but you have to target PROPERLY where the problem lays. From my experience on this board, I would say that 50% of posters are confused about who does what, and who is responsible for the health of our fisheries.

A protest without knowledge is just blowing smoke rings..

20ft Alumaweld Intruder
If a rally is organized in Vic, I'll be there & will bring friends.
quote:Originally posted by Cuba Libre

So wattcha going to protest and where? -- DFO mismanagement? Well-thats DFO office on the mainland or Ottawa. Slowly killing hatchery programs?? Yup- same thing.

Habitat destruction? thats mostly ineffective enforcement and monitoring caused by too few staff... try Vancouver/Ottawa for that!

No place in the Water Act for minimum fish flows??? Finally one that can be nailed to the Province... and the other, of course, fish farms.

Lots of blame to go around-- but you have to target PROPERLY where the problem lays. From my experience on this board, I would say that 50% of posters are confused about who does what, and who is responsible for the health of our fisheries.

A protest without knowledge is just blowing smoke rings..

20ft Alumaweld Intruder

A protest without knowledge is just blowing smoke rings.

Couldn't agree more.

That is why I suggest a structured event starting from the bottom. It takes time to move mountains and we have everything to lose. I cannot beleive that with all of our concern and our variety of skill and education that we cannot come up with some sort of financially backed force to be reckoned with.

I am not only talking people here. If we manage to enroll business to participate can you imagine the implications if our government does not listen. The taxes that are paid annually by business represents billions. If we all showed up, damn right "they" would take note. lets attack an issue at a time.


Hey Cuba Libre, sounds like you have a rounded grasp of things. Seeing as you know who is responsible for various mismanagement, why not jump aboard and suggest some ideas that can help.

Consider yourself signed up;)
just to throw this out there how about getting rid of federal dfo, and getting a provincial dfo the province is already responsable for fish farms so why not dfo. and even the coast guard I'll bet the coast guard spends more money having the coast guard do ice breaking in the st lawernce then they do out here. like a friend said to me who fishes black cod thank god we live next to the us they will be there if I ever need a recscue
quote:Originally posted by spring time

just to throw this out there how about getting rid of federal dfo, and getting a provincial dfo the province is already responsable for fish farms so why not dfo. and even the coast guard I'll bet the coast guard spends more money having the coast guard do ice breaking in the st lawernce then they do out here. like a friend said to me who fishes black cod thank god we live next to the us they will be there if I ever need a recscue

Hey Spring Time, Whatever you're smoking we want some. [:0]
I agree with Highlights, we need to do something, as doing nothing will cetrainly ensure one thing - a dismal outcome for the future of sport salmon fishing.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke, 1729-1797)

Sharp hooks and full traps!
First thing; Someone must volunteer to lead the effort. Second thing; We must identify what is wrong. Third thing; We must suggest viable solutions.

How about we start a couple of threads here, one called "Problems" and the other called "Solutions". At least that way we can identify what we believe is wrong with the fishery and get an idea of what is required (we think) to fix it.

Highlights, as an ex-TC weenie, honchoing this effort should be right up your alley:D

My suggestion would be pressuring the Provincial Gov't to force the Feds to cede "Fisheries" responsibilities to the Province.
Its awful hard to exert pressure on Ottawa from my boat in the harbour.
There is only 1 province with coastline on the Pacific, so it makes sense (and maybe that's the problem!?).

If that can be achieved, we can exert more pressure locally to effect the changes, or solutions to the problems.

A seperate problem I forsee with the above, is that Native rights are addressed at the Federal level (I believe).

The next provincial general election is May 2009, just over a year away. If there is a time to start building pressure its now, when MLA's and potential MLA's are looking for ways to be elected.
With 260,000 BC fishing licenses issued to residents, maybe we can get a few to register in one electoral district and put up a preferential candidate to represent our views in the Leg?

Gordon Campbell won his seat with only 12,498 votes. not a lot, really. Unseating him to put in a favoured candidate would bring some attention I think...

Fishin' anywhere anytime for anything
Hey guys, I should point out here that this entire thread, though seemingly out of context was a kneejerk response to alot of posts on other threads. I have had many fishing "buddies" contacting me and suggesting that I came across as hostile in my opening post. It was originally a post that I had written in response to another "they're" taking too many fish again threads. It was actually cut and pasted into it's very own thread here that I entitled "so let's rally the legislature". I can see how alot of peole may see it as overly aggressive. I was going to edit the first post but I figured I would let it stand so as to provoke interesting replies. We really do need to get together here and do something for our fishery.

I appreciate the many folks out there that share similar thoughts on the matter.

Hey Tangle foot, as for being the ex-TC weenie, well I guess it could have been worse;) But you do bring up some good points.

Thanks guys. Lets keep this going

I hate to admit it Highlights, but I too....umm..ahh..well, that was a long time ago;)

Signed and ex CAI
It is certainly time to get our **** together as fishers, but this will only work as a joint effort with all user groups working as one, which may be the biggest stumbling block. As my years as a commercial fisher it was almost impossible to get all the different gear types to work as one to go after dfo an issues, and at times just as hard to get fishers with the same gear type to join as one!!!!!

It will also be important to try to work with the fishfarms to get them on a different programme, thay are here like it or not! and they wont be leaving soon. Knowing many people in this industry they know some of what they are doing may not be good , or right, but they are not breaking any rules, they are doing what are gov allows them to. If we are looking for support from business for our cause, we must be carefull not to make it a them or us case, as with the downturn of the commercial fish industry the fishfarms have filled the gap in many coastal communities with employment, and patronising the businesses that used to make thier living from the commercial fisheries. It may be difficult to get business support if we are trying to shut down whats become a huge industry here.

The fishfarms are 'not breaking any rules' because the DFO and our Provincial govt's changed the rules to accommodate them.

If you or I polluted like they do; we would be in jail!
If you or I routinely/knowingly introduced non-indigenous species into our marine ecosystems; we would be in jail!

I can't, for the life of me, understand how folks like yourself who used to take part in the bounty our beloved wild Pacific salmon provided - over 100-thousand/tons annually of chemical-free, disease-free salmon - can so readily resign yourselves to the idea that this foreign owned industry that generates less than 2000 jobs here in BC is here to stay.

The open net-pen industry needs to be moved to Closed-containment; it's that simple!

I, for one, will NEVER capitulate to the notion that our Wild Pacific Salmon are DONE and that it's OK that our once-proud industry continues to be synthesized by foreigners and collusive politicians.

Standing for Wild Salmon,

Terry Anderson

Wild Salmon Alliance