
Just woke up to it too...3 inches already in Black Creek....
Nice and warm though...
Over a foot and still coming down...yes, Kelly, it is warm compared to where I work...
Just finished putting chains on the Fire plows in sight for 19A and the side roads....and no accidents to report so far.
Sure like my truck in this stuff...
....It's beginning to look alot like Christmas.....
Sunday noon.. still coming down.. Over a foot still going hard.. Deers are hungry and moving around...I'm going hunting ;)
1 ft in Cobble Hill and snowing hard. Third time outside knocking the snow off my boat shelter.
16" and still dumping down in North Shawnigan. Plowed the drivway twice and a path to the woodshed with the Quad. Wind is howling now, looks like a blizzard. A few Snowmobiles out cruising with the Quads today. VHF Antenna broke off boat from weight of tarp on it:(
About 2" and sunny here in Port McNeill. Now I just wish the damn wind would die so i can get out and fish some winters.
weve got a ploce scanner and you should hear all the incident with nsow balls and cars and cars sideays blocking the roads!
stupidest thing weve heard, 2 snow mobiles were cruising around somewhere and a person called in complaining about them and the police went and found therm and told them to go park them! how often can you do that around here, and im pretty sure they are a hell of alot safer on the roads than cars are right now
We only have quads running around today pulling sleds behind them!
27 inchs and counting here in Bleek Creek[:0].
Should be nasty when it turns to rain and plus 11[:p] by Tuesday.
this crap sucks:(im going stir crazy just phoned the city(nanaimo} to see if their going to plow they told me the rain will wash it away before they get here[V]
About a foot and a half in Merritt, fairly light stuff. I dont envy you guys shovelling that heavy wet stuff. Suppose to rain here on Tuesday, it will be a mess!:(
Well no deer.. out again today in the ugly slush.. there was about 5 inches of slush on the road I was on and my truck kept spraying it all over the place. I sprayed slush about 15 ft high from all 4 tires for about 10 miles. I wish I had gotten it on video it was something else. Kudos to Toyo Open Country MT's