Sliding side cockpit windows

Totally unexpected

Well-Known Member
Been wanting to replace the side cockpit windows in my 2452 ciera express right now there is only a butterfly window and during the summer even with the cabin door open all the windows and hatch open its stil very stale air in the cockpit. Has anyone had any glass work done locally?, I've sourced them in Florida but after shipping its about 2500 usd per side wich seems ridiculous. Any input would be greatly appreciatef
Put a couple small fans in the corners, should move some air
What does the roof/ceiling look like? Wonder if you could cut a sunroof into it
I had Diamond Sea Glaze make some windows for a Tolly I had going back 15 years ago, did a great job. I sent them a template and they made them perfect, they were sliders which is much nicer for getting the air flow
Is there a forward hatch you can open. It's a B-O-A-T (break out another thousand) so everything is expensive. I would be very concerned with long-term watertight integrity with mucking with this.