Shoreline fishing in and around Ucluelet/Tofino


New Member
Just curious if anyone knows of decent places I can fish off the shore close to Tofino or Ucluelet in August. Not looking for anything in particular, maybe rock fish or something, just looking for a place to take the kids... thanks for the help in advance!
To fish from shore in the Tofino area, you can try Tonquin Beach just at the edge of town. It is a great spot to take the kids so they can fish or play and hang out on a small sandy beach. The Coho are now in the area, and are the main game for fishing this spot. We can gladly help you with more info and gear choices by stopping into Tofino Fly & Tackle on the main road as you drive in to Tofino.
This fishery only gets better as we move through July and August.
There are a few spots in Ukee as well, but I will need to let someone else provide specifics.
Last time I was in Tofino was quite a while ago when my son was a lot younger but we fished right off the break water at the marina. Had a blast catching rock fish and throwing them back. Nothing huge, about 3/4-1 pound range but tons of fun for young anglers. I'm not sure if they still allow fishing there, but it's an option worth checking out.
Still a good option for sure. There is good Crabbing right there as well..
If you walk the shoreline in Ucluelet (ocean side) just look for any rocky outcrops with a drop-off. It's scary what lurks on those drop-offs, even right in town or smack in the middle of a housing development. High tide will be best so you have a bit of depth

A few years ago I was with wife and kids, biking out towards Amphitrite light house and brought a small pack-rod with me. It didn't take long to hook several ling cod and kelp greenlings. Any flutter-type jig will do it; just make sure they're small (and cheap!) --you'll lose them in the seaweed and kelp if you don't retrieve fast enough or if you get a hot fish that breaks you off.

Kids will love those kelp greenling--they fight surprising well and they're beautiful to hold in your hands and get up-close and personal with. Also, lots of rockfish but they like a bit more depth