Shore Fishing Near Tofino


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm curious if you would be able to give me some direction as far as inshore fishing goes. We will be in the Tofino area the second week in August and would be interested in trying to catch some salmon from shore if possible. Is this possible or would a person need to be out on a boat? If it is possible would you be able to direct us to a few spots? Any insight would be appreciated greatly.
You can cast off the rocks at Tonquin Beach in Tofino - buzz bomb or Zzinger type jigs. Target the hour either side of high/flood slack. If schools of coho are around you can have a shot at them. Not sure of any other spots for shore salmon. You can cast bait rigs off most of the beaches for surf perch, but not what you're after. Stop in at the local tackle shop - Jay's Fly & Tackle, they should be able to suggest some spots to try.


You can cast off the rocks at Tonquin Beach in Tofino - buzz bomb or Zzinger type jigs. Target the hour either side of high/flood slack. If schools of coho are around you can have a shot at them. Not sure of any other spots for shore salmon. You can cast bait rigs off most of the beaches for surf perch, but not what you're after. Stop in at the local tackle shop - Jay's Fly & Tackle, they should be able to suggest some spots to try.


X2. In the area mentioned above off the rocks. To tonquin beach and south. Google earth is your buddy.