She is just not the same. (176 DE)

Tips Up

Well-Known Member
We met 16 years ago and I was in love. She was in good shape and was an upgrade from the 2 before her. I was proud to be seen with her and enjoyed every minute together. We travelled to many places and spent a lot of time together creating memories. Like all she has required maintenance and I’ve spent some money on her but she has been worth it.

Over the past couple of years she has changed. She doesn’t look quite as young as she once did and has put on some weight. Mostly in the back end. Don’t get me wrong I still love her, she’s just a bit heavy and not the ride she once was.

So after some research I decided to put her on the scale. If my calculations are correct she is about 375lb over weight. So I took her in for a check last week and sure enough found she is retaining water.

Good news is everything can be fixed with $$. So the project is about to begin. My 1991 176 Double Eagle is getting the floor pulled and foam and water removed. While the floor is up this is also the time to move my 100ltr fuel tank from the stern where it is now to under the deck.

I am very excited to get this done regardless of the $$ I don’t want to spend. She should be like a new bride, lighter and full of pep when done. Work is being done by Jenkins Marine as this is over my head and I want it done correct. Pictures will be taken along the way and I will try to share here.

At this point inspection holes have been drilled and the stern is full of water but the front end is bone dry. Shop does not think there are stringer issues which will be confirmed once the floor is removed. So plan is to remove the floor from seats back, remove foam and water, dry out, move fuel tank and create drainage.

Currently there is a large fish hold in the center of deck but this is where the fuel tank will go. I first thought I would just build an new fish hold in the stern where tank is coming from but now thinking with fuel lines ect. There may not be space? So I am looking for ideas for fish hold other than kill bags which do not interest me. I am going to ask Jenkins about possibility of putting a hold in floor between seats ahead of the fuel tank like the Tyee have. Any other ideas? Anyone with same boat have a solution?

If anyone has done similar project on similar boat I am interested in hearing about it. And ideas for fish hold.

Stay tuned.
Buddy with a similar size Hourston built a fiberglass fish box to fit into one of the sleeper seats. As I recall it has handles so it can be lifted right out and carried away, cleaned outside the boat, etc. Of course you'd lose that storage for other things.
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Thank you for reply and a few PMs received. Boat is at shop so can’t take photos. So I dug through photos and found one that shows the hold and one that shows my current seat configuration after I pulled sleepers and put in swivels last year.
I’m not sure a fish hold under the seat will be best option. It would not be very big and I’m sure even with removable insert it would get messy.
There is not room for kill bags beside seats.
I’m thinking a hold in floor ahead of fuel tank with a good size drain leading to bilge may be best do I’ve asked for quote to add that. Otherwise will have to figure out something in the back where tank is coming out. I’ll have to go look once tank is pulled.
I’m not sure a fish hold under the seat will be best option. It would not be very big and I’m sure even with removable insert it would get messy.
There is not room for kill bags beside seats.
I’m thinking a hold in floor ahead of fuel tank with a good size drain leading to bilge may be best do I’ve asked for quote to add that. Otherwise will have to figure out something in the back where tank is coming out. I’ll have to go look once tank is pulled.

Hard to install a fish box under that swivel seat setup in your pics. Worked well for my buddy with the original sleeper seats.
If it was me, I would gun the swivel seat behind the captain's chair and use that space.
Tough to lose the seating, but it must get in the way at times ?
Same here , but id remove both rear seats. The front seats on a small riser box with drawers built in. Good size coolers with snap on cushions would go behind each . some aluminum angle epoxied down to secure them . I did this on a !8' Hourston years ago . It fished very well.
The new seats replacing the old sleepers were a huge improvement for space and comfort. Note this is a 1991 boat. 176 DE is 17ft. Seats are lower than newer models. I raised seating a couple inches when I rebuilt but was limited for height based on height of windows. Any higher I’d be looking at canvas.
I fish with 3 people regularly. My son and a buddy. I have 4 family members at times when cruising around. So I like 4 seats. Swiveled sideways or folded they don’t take much space.
I think best option is hold in floor between seats like a tyee. So I’ll see what that costs. Alternatively I’ll figure out something in the back where tank is removed.
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How about moving the fuel tank further forward and have a below deck hold closer to the stern. I'm not sure how a Double Eagle would ride with the fuel weight being pushed forward. Could always keep batteries and rigger balls at the stern.

Throw out a pm to Gham. He did a bow tank and on floor locker in a hourston 17.

Seat arrangement is great BTW. That brings back memories of my 1990 176
If you decide on a floor hatch ,don't drain into the bilge,have a sealed compartment.The fish blood etc. will stink the boat up in places you can't get to to clean.
Thanks. The current tub runs into the bilge and has not been a problem. I am diligent about cleaning it out every trip. Possibly because of the shape of bilge. It is like a trench that all runs to a small area rather than a large open bilge. If it was sealed compartment I guess it would need to lift out for cleaning or would it not be hard to get liquids out of?
If staying with a floor hatch, get a custom stainless or fiberglass liner with handles as mentioned before.
It will save a lot of cleaning issues.
If staying with a floor hatch, get a custom stainless or fiberglass liner with handles as mentioned before.
It will save a lot of cleaning issues.
Ill discuss with the shop. Maybe I can have a drain put in because that has to be done while floor is up and then build a removable liner later. Have best of both and options.
The bilge can't be drained ,it's below waterline,you'd have to put a macerator pump in to pump overboard.It won't get it all so not a great option.Do as Scott says,a sealed container of some kind,tub or custom made.