shark week on discovery channel


Well-Known Member
Holy $hit,did anyone just watch the show on Megalodon shark, the footage from the coastgaurd chopper and what they shot of what they thought was it blew my mind. Do they still exsist? they tagged a large object wich quickly dove to 6500 feet and thats when they lost the signal
Just saw last bit about the shark diving. Didn't see helicopter footage. And the guy in cage says they don't exist. Makes you think
Yep just watched the full Discovery channel on it. Do they exist.......IMHO I'm glad that our coast is cold water. Kinda supports an argument for two footites when it comes to the boat.
I watched the whole Megalodon show.

If it did indeed attack that fishing boat, there would be busted-off teeth littering the ocean bed and also stuck in parts of the hull. They don't offer much in how well they examined the wreck or surrounding area at all.

The show went heavy on CGI mockups.

And of course at the end, where they supposedly encounter a huge shark, the cameramen suddenly develop a case of "Blair Witch Project-itis" and can't hold the jittery cameras still long enough to really make anything out.

It was presented as actual footage and real. If there was a disclaimer it was buried in the credits somewhere.

Was the **** submarine with the huge shark in the pic photoshopped? I don't know.

They, at the end,towed a 50ft mockup of a Humpback whale out to sea to see if it would be attacked by Megalodon, and they had air-powered chum cannon so they could lay down the biggest chum area ever done.
When something attacked the whale dummy the pocket explosions on it looked fake.

The two divers who got stranded didn't seem shaken up at all.....I'd be crapping my pants if a 65 foot Megaladon was right beside me in the water......

As John Lennon said:- "all I can tell you's all show biz"