Selling out our rivers

I recently read a magazine that contains yet another article by D.C. Reid, this time on the Cowichan River.
For those of you who don't think this will have any impact on the system, wait and see. Reid wrote a similar article about the San Juan (and tribs!!) about 5 years ago and that river has never been the same, those of you who fish there will know what I'm talking about. Reid has also exploited the Nitinat, Stamp, Gold, and I'm sure many other systems on the mainland. What does this guy make, maybe a grand for one of these articles... is it worth it buddy? I bet you sleep well at night, one of these days I'll see you on the river and we can chat.
Well said, Blackleech.

This type of "journalism" is completely irresponsible, and serves no purpose to anyone other than the author, who I guess receives some ego gratification from this type of reporting by appearing like an "expert" in front of his so called "peers". What most of these types don't get, is that the real class outdoor and fishing writers consider them to be as much of a problem (and a black mark on their profession) as we mere anglers do.

I think it was Bob Jones - one of my favorite fishing writers - who captured it best for me (and I paraphrase a bit here...)

"Tell them how to do it, when to do it and what to use. Let them figure out the where by themselves because thats at least half the fun."

Well said, Blackleech.

This type of "journalism" is completely irresponsible, and serves no purpose to anyone other than the author, who I guess receives some ego gratification from this type of reporting by appearing like an "expert" in front of his so called "peers". What most of these types don't get, is that the real class outdoor and fishing writers consider them to be as much of a problem (and a black mark on their profession) as we mere anglers do.

I think it was Bob Jones - one of my favorite fishing writers - who captured it best for me (and I paraphrase a bit here...)

"Tell them how to do it, when to do it and what to use. Let them figure out the where by themselves because thats at least half the fun."

Thanks for the info Blackleech. I'll make sure to get a copy before I head to the river.

This might not be the best place to keep that stuff secret BTW.
Thanks for the info Blackleech. I'll make sure to get a copy before I head to the river.

This might not be the best place to keep that stuff secret BTW.
I agree with your point Blackleech and hope you send your comments to the writer.

Gotta agree with Yote also...
YOU just passed on a lot of info to a lot of fisherman. Should be good for magazine sales and the river might be a bit crowded this weekend.

Might want to edit your post!

I agree with your point Blackleech and hope you send your comments to the writer.

Gotta agree with Yote also...
YOU just passed on a lot of info to a lot of fisherman. Should be good for magazine sales and the river might be a bit crowded this weekend.

Might want to edit your post!

Point taken. I'm even more worried about people from Washington or Alberta that read that magazine but don't really use this forum...
Point taken. I'm even more worried about people from Washington or Alberta that read that magazine but don't really use this forum...
As a mag writer photographer myself, I have never aproved of DC'd exploitation of our sytems just to turn a buck for some "fresh meat" for the magazines. I take precations in all aspects of writing and photos as to not say to much about any system unless it is no secret to begin with. You can still tell a great story by starting off with " We headed to a beautiful Vancouver Island stream that day..." He has been and will continue to be a well discussed subject on this site.
As a mag writer photographer myself, I have never aproved of DC'd exploitation of our sytems just to turn a buck for some "fresh meat" for the magazines. I take precations in all aspects of writing and photos as to not say to much about any system unless it is no secret to begin with. You can still tell a great story by starting off with " We headed to a beautiful Vancouver Island stream that day..." He has been and will continue to be a well discussed subject on this site.
if i remember correctly "Yo" a few years back you did a big write up on 1 of my fave rivers off the west coast . ??? are you innocent of this. scottyboy
if i remember correctly "Yo" a few years back you did a big write up on 1 of my fave rivers off the west coast . ??? are you innocent of this. scottyboy
"One warm morning last October, a couple of friends and I ventured to one of my favourite Vancouver Island chinook salmon rivers. With old growth cedars and brilliantly colored maples lining the trail, we told fish stories of years past and worked our way to the stream."

That is a clip from the story your talking about. No where do I mention the name at all. Check your facts before you start trying to bash me. I take great care when I write to make sure this doesn't happen.
"One warm morning last October, a couple of friends and I ventured to one of my favourite Vancouver Island chinook salmon rivers. With old growth cedars and brilliantly colored maples lining the trail, we told fish stories of years past and worked our way to the stream."

That is a clip from the story your talking about. No where do I mention the name at all. Check your facts before you start trying to bash me. I take great care when I write to make sure this doesn't happen.
The last time i checked it was a free country. If you want to be tight lipped go live in China. I don't agree with it either, but it's called free press you beeks. Nobody stops you guys from beeking off on crap you don't even know what your talking about. Who do you think is out fishing these systems when know body is watching. Poachers.. Good on ya Mama keep up the good work..