seasons a comin!!!!

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Once again the season is luming. I don't know about you guys but I am stoked....
There are rumors of seven year old Skeena fish moving through the Gwaii. What a blast. I know that klash and snake rock are the places to pull off one of those monsters in mid June..
Anyways get the leader boards ready boyz it should be a f#@k of a season... -dirtdog out!!!!!
Oh thats right you guys have to tie your own leaders! haha. Sorry man I had to say it. Ya I wouldn't doubt that the new world record spring will fall this year after the season we just had. I can wait! Got lots of new toys for the boat this year to "enhance" my fishin' pleasure. We'll have to make a bigger effort this year to get both sides together for a shin dig!

Oh thats right you guys have to tie your own leaders! haha. Sorry man I had to say it. Ya I wouldn't doubt that the new world record spring will fall this year after the season we just had. I can wait! Got lots of new toys for the boat this year to "enhance" my fishin' pleasure. We'll have to make a bigger effort this year to get both sides together for a shin dig!

Oh thats right you guys have to tie your own leaders! haha. Sorry man I had to say it. Ya I wouldn't doubt that the new world record spring will fall this year after the season we just had. I can wait! Got lots of new toys for the boat this year to "enhance" my fishin' pleasure. We'll have to make a bigger effort this year to get both sides together for a shin dig!

A definate must there buhda. Ya the old visa is takin a bit of a s$#t kickin on the toys I must say. Anywho, just thought I would see who else has the early itch. As for those leaders, gami's all the way. Those fireman leaders tend to straighten out when you have a fiddy next to the boat.
Headen to the stamp with the slabslayer this morning, I will let you know how we did.dirtdog out!!!
A definate must there buhda. Ya the old visa is takin a bit of a s$#t kickin on the toys I must say. Anywho, just thought I would see who else has the early itch. As for those leaders, gami's all the way. Those fireman leaders tend to straighten out when you have a fiddy next to the boat.
Headen to the stamp with the slabslayer this morning, I will let you know how we did.dirtdog out!!!
A definate must there buhda. Ya the old visa is takin a bit of a s$#t kickin on the toys I must say. Anywho, just thought I would see who else has the early itch. As for those leaders, gami's all the way. Those fireman leaders tend to straighten out when you have a fiddy next to the boat.
Headen to the stamp with the slabslayer this morning, I will let you know how we did.dirtdog out!!!
i dunno what u guys r tlkaing about buy i hear this year ius goona b crud
i dunno what u guys r tlkaing about buy i hear this year ius goona b crud
i dunno what u guys r tlkaing about buy i hear this year ius goona b crud