Seaguar Flourocarbon Leader for sale. - SOLD


Well-Known Member
SOLD. I have several spools of Seaguar Flourocarbon leader for sale. I have 1 full sealed pack of 40 # DFC35330-2C5E-461B-A3F7-2751F3AED352.jpeg x 25 yard Blue Label spool, 1 full sealed spool of 40# x 50 yard Blue Label, 3 full sealed packs of 40# x 25 yard Green Label spools, 1 full sealed spool 20# x 100 yard STS leader, 1 open but almost full 40# x 100 yard spool of Seaguar STS leader, and 1 open part full spool of 40# x 25 yard spool. SOLD. takes it all. Located in Campbell River. Willing to ship it at your expense.36E3BC5A-0257-485F-A032-27BA6DAC5DCB.jpeg
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